Chapter 4: Meeting

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{Back at hogwarts where the story left off}

Nell gently knocked on the large oak door next to the fat lady's portrait. "Come in" a sharp voice sounded from inside.

She gently pushed open the door, Harry following behind her, to reveal the Professor sat behind her desk: quill in hand. "Ah Miss Lupin-Black" her gaze turned to Harry, "and Mr Potter. I was actually hoping to speak with Miss Lupin-Black alone, Mr Potter."

The two moved further into the room as Harry grabbed Nell's hand, showing her he wouldn't leave her. As the door shut behind them Nell froze for a moment, trying to pluck up the courage to reply.

"Would it be alright if he stayed Professor? He knows about everything." The woman looked between the girl and boy and then down to their intertwined hands. She suppressed a smile as she thought of their parents, the infamous marauders.

"Well if it makes you more comfortable, than of course he may stay." She stood up and moved to the front of her desk, resting against it as the two kids sunk into two chairs in front of her.

"Right, so I assume you understand why you are here?" She looked down at the girl who kept her gaze on the floor.

"Yes Professor." Nell fiddled with her fingers, something she realised was becoming a habit in situations like this.

"There is no reason to be worried Miss Lupin-Black, you forget this is not the first time I've done this, your father was in Gryffindor too."

The girls head shot up at the mention of her father, "You remember my dad?"

The older women laughed, something that the two children had not expected to see from her, in fact up until this point they were both equally intimidated by her presence. The woman held herself in a respectable manner and walked as if there was string suspended between her spine and the ceiling.

"Of course I remember your father, I remember both of your fathers Nell, your parents too Mr Potter."

The more she spoke the more the two kids relaxed in their seats, realising that their previous perceptions of the women had been entirely wrong.

"And may I just say you are both the splitting images of your fathers. I was rather shocked when I spotted you in the crowd of first years, it was as if your fathers had returned to the school themselves." She smiled warmly.

It was true, Harry was essentially another James, except for the eyes he inherited from his mother. And Nell was in a similar situation, looking almost identical to Remus with her sandy dark-blonde hair, freckled nose, and silvery scars crossing her face. All aside from her piercing grey-blue eyes which belonged to Sirius.

"Well back to the matter at hand, am I correct to understand you wish to spend your transformations at home with your fathers?"

"Yes, that's right Professor, however i understand if it isn't possible."
Although she understood Nell really really wished it would be possible, she hated the idea of transforming alone.

"Nonsense, of it is, and that means you'll be needing this"
The woman moved back to behind the desk and opened one of the draws before returning to stand before the children. She held something tightly clasped in one of her hands.

She slowly revealed a bracelet laying in the palm of her hand and passed it into Nell's hand allowing the girl to inspect it further. A round milky-white stone sat in the centre of a copper wire wrapped bangle.

"The stone is white Opal, an element that can be manipulated to hold the particular ability of transporting the user between locations. With the help of a few charms we have made it so that particular stone will transport you between Hogwarts and your home. Sort of like a miniature portkey. It will only work for you of course."

The girl looked down at the bracelet then back up at her Professor, with Harry leaning over her shoulder to inspect the device.
"How does it work?"

The Professor took the bracelet back in her hands to demonstrate, "Well the stone rests on a dial, so you simply twist it round three times anti-clockwise and say the incantation 'Lanuae Magicae' and you will find yourself home. It is the same when returning. Consider it a miniaturised portkey of sorts"

She returned the bracelet to the girl who hesitantly slipped it onto her risk, not wanting to damage this wonderful gift that would allow her to continue to go through the full moons with her dads. The mere thought of her having to go through her transformations alone made her feel sick. She couldn't understand how her father had done it for all those years before he met his friends.

"Thank you Professor, this is amazing, truly."

The older woman smiled as she saw Remus' kindness shining through in the scarred girl before her. She could only hope that she hadn't inherited both of her father' mischievousness as well.

"Of course Nell. Now although I am aware I will never be able to understand the struggle which you endure every month, I want to assure you I am here for you for anything you may need. As is Madam Pomfrey who works in the hospital wing."

Nell felt overcome with happiness, she knew no one would've been openly rude to her about her condition but she certainly hadn't expected this warm welcome. Of course she was aware didn't deserve any hostility towards her because of her condition. From a young age her fathers had made sure she understood that there was nothing wrong with her for being the way she was, and that she certainly shouldn't apologise for it. However that didn't mean she expected everyone else who found out to be as understanding, so this reaction was a pleasant surprise for the young girl.

"Thank you Professor, again, really."

After bidding their head of house goodnight, the two friends headed to the Gryffindor tower for the evening.


"I can't believe we have to sleep in different dorms!" Harry whined as he and Nell turned their heads from their place on the sofa to the two separate stairs cases disappearing up into the dormitories.

"Ugh I know, surely one of the older students must know a way to get past the spell though?"

"Or maybe we could camp down here?"

Although in their dorms Nell would have Hermione and Harry would have Ron, the two friends didn't like the idea of being separated after all the years of sharing a room when they stayed at each other's houses.

Hermione huffed and stared at the two with a look of disapproval on her face, "We've barely been here for one evening and you two are already thinking of ways to break the rules?"
She turned to Ron for backup but he was passed out in the armchair beside her.

"Come on Nell, it's late, I'm taking you with me before you cause any trouble." She jumped up and grabbed Nell by the arm, dragging her towards the girl's staircase, ignoring Nell's protests. "Ow! Hermione!"

Just as the pair reached the base of the stairs she turned back around to face Harry and gestured to an unconscious Ron on the sofa, "I'm assuming you can handle getting him to bed?"

Harry looked from Hermione to Nell as she practically screamed 'help me' with her eyes. Not wanting to face Hermione's wrath like his friend he decided to not push her any further.

"Yes ma'am", Harry watched nervously to see her response until a smile etched its way into the corners of the girls mouth and the three conscious friends began to laugh at his response.

And that concluded their first night in the place they would spend the next seven years of their lives.

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