Chapter 47: Task Two

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"Shit shit shit" Harry paced round on the spot, tearing a stressed hand through his hair as crowds flooded around him and Nell towards the black lake.

It was the day of the second task, a gloomy one at that, and the two teens were still yet to find a way for the boy to breathe underwater. And to make matters worse, the other half of the quartet of friends were nowhere to be seen and to say Harry was spiralling was an understatement.

"Har breathe, we'll figure something out" Nell tried, attempting to stop his frantic movements before he span round to face her.

"In the next fifteen minutes? Oh god I'm going to drown aren't I?" He groaned as Nell struggled to come up with a helpful reply.

"Um-" she hesitated making him groan even louder.

"Nell!" He cried before dragging a hand down his face in desperation as Nell quickly mustered up a reply to assure him.

"No- no you're gonna be fine- it's going to be fine. Look there's still time and didn't Neville say that he was gonna look through that book for you?" She pointed out, trying to ignore her own concerns about the task and comfort the boy currently chewing down on his lip.

"Yeah but-"

"Exactly, and worst comes to worst I can help you" she added with a small comforting smile and the boy swore if his heart wasn't already racing it definitely would be now.

But he shouldn't be thinking about that right now, or ever for that matter. So, like he had become so accustomed to over these past few weeks, he pushed the thought to the back of his mind, burying beneath his current worries for the task.

"I don't know Nells, I-" he frowned before someone approaching them with the moving crowd interrupted him.

"Harry!" Neville's voice called out and Nell felt a wave of relief wash over her as she spotted the boy rushing over to them but Harry still seemed skeptical.

Seeing his hesitation to hear what Neville had to say, Nell gave Harry a nudge in the boy's direction, praying what he had to say was good news.

"See, I bet he's found something for you" she whispered before Harry nodded and jogged over to meet the boy, nervously awaiting good news.

Nell pulled her coat tighter around her as she stood a few feet away, watching the boys converse and letting out a sigh of relief as Neville slipped something into Harry's hand.

And her relief only grew when the dark haired boy came jogging back over to her with big nervous grin, but a grin all the same.

"Did he-"

"Yep, gillyweed" he said, holding his palm open for her to see the slimy green weeds in question as she grimaced slightly as the gooey sight and the pungent rotting seaweed smell that came with it.

"Gilly-? You know what it doesn't matter, just thank god for Neville" she sighed before the two finally starting walking towards the last remaining boats in the lake docks, knowing that they couldn't put it off much longer.

"Have we found out where the others are yet?" Harry asked, breaking their comfortable silence just as they reached the water edge.

"Nope - I just can't understand where they'd be though" Nell sighed sadly, turning around to get one last look at the few people remaining on land to see if she could spot them.

Neither her nor Harry had seen the two since breakfast this morning and were more concerned than anything as both of the teens had agreed to go with them to the champion's stand and yet now were nowhere to be found.

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