Chapter 31: Arrivals

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The atmosphere on platform 9 3/4 was bustling and vibrant as always on September first. The only difference being that by now everyone had heard about what happened the night of Cup, so a subtle sense of uncertain anxiousness lingered in the air. However aside from that, the scene played out as usual.

Weeping parents kissed their eleven year olds goodbye whilst reminiscent seventh years prepared to board the train for one of the last times. And there stood the two families, who were really one, watching as the boy pulled the girl up onto the carriage. Ready to embark on their forth, and unbeknownst to them, most eventful year yet.

However just before she could disappear into the train, Sirius's eyes widened as he rushed forward and pulled Nell back onto the platform. "Hang on Pup"

Pulling an envelope out his of black ripped jeans pocket, he reached forward to put it into her own hands. "Here's your Hogsmeade money and a little extra for something you'll need to buy." He said, winking knowingly.

"What-" Nell's eyebrows raised as she looked inside to see far more than her usual Hogsmeade allowance. "Wait, Dad this is a lot, what will exactly I need to buy?"

"You'll see. Now go before they leave without you!" His signature smirk tugged at his lips as he grabbed her shoulders and spun her back around to face the train, only for to whip straight back to face him.

"Wait no, what do you mean? What are you hiding?" She started before the familiar rich whistle of the train resonating across the platform interrupted her protests

"Ugh, okay. Bye!" She rolled her eyes and huffed in defeat before pulling herself up into the carriage.

"I love you." Sirius said as the train began rumble, signalling its departure.

"Love you more!" She shouted back playfully before the doors slid shut in front of her.

"Not possible." Sirius smiled to himself as he stepped back to rejoin the other four, leaning into the warmth of his husband's side as they watched the train roll away from the platform.

The train corridor jolted gently as it rolled along the tracks whilst the Nell made her way to their usual compartment. Trunk in hand, she slipped through the door, heaving the suitcase onto the racks before huffing down next to Harry.

"What was that about?" Harry asked, referring to her and Sirius' previous conversation.

"I don't know, just my Dad being weird." She replied, the end of sentence morphing into a yawn as she rubbed her heavy eyes.

"When's the next moon again?" Ron asked, taking in his friends disheveled appearance. Her eyes hung droopy on her face, supporting the faint tint of purple bags beneath them.

"Thursday." Hermione answered before Nell even had the chance. The girl just grunted in agreement before flopping her head down onto Harry's lap, with her legs stretched across the rest of the seat. It took about five seconds before her breathing slowed and her chest rose and feel in regular beats.

"Is she-" Ron started, his voice considerately quiet for the now seemingly asleep girl.

"Yep." Harry laughed softly, looking down at her whilst Ron looked genuinely impressed.

"Damn. That's a skill. Anyone up for a game of gobstones?"


Holding her head up in her palm, Nell tilted on the edge of consciousness, Dumbledore's speech blurring into a stream of incoherent words in her head. Until a certain sentence caught her attention and brought her rushing back into the atmosphere of the great hall.

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