Chapter 25: Surprises

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"Okay so are you going to tell me what really happened after the match? That's right, I haven't forgotten about that." Harry asked Nell the moment he shut the compartment door behind him and his friends.

Yet another school year had ended and the foursome were on their way home for summer. Even though he hadn't mentioned it for their last couple of weeks in school, Harry hadn't forgotten what he saw that day on the pitch. But he decided it would be best to ask Nell about it somewhere where she couldn't just run away: the train being the most obvious option.

"What's he talking about?" Hermione asked as she and Nell settled on one side of the compartment and Harry and Ron on the other

"I have no idea." Nell said, trying to sound nonchalant even though she knew exactly what Harry meant. She really didn't feel like telling her friends about Cedric because it would just make it seem like a bigger deal than it was. Her and Cedric weren't dating, Nell was convinced he would probably never take an interest in her anyway and all they did was talk. Just talk.

"Don't play dumb Nells. We both know that your hair goes purple when you're happy, not pink." Harry remarked and pointed an accusing finger to her head.

"So? It was pink, what's the big deal." Ron shrugged, making Nell very thankful that neither of the other two where catching on to what Harry was insinuating.

"Exactly, maybe it just changed. You're looking for something that isn't there Harry." Nell concluded, clearly trying to end the conversation.

"No, I'm not. I know my best friend and something definitely happened." Harry argued and folded his arms over his chest stubbornly. He wasn't going to give up without a fight, but neither was Nell. That was of course until Hermione put the pieces together and blew the lid off of the whole thing.

"Oh my godric. He went into the changing rooms after you and Madam Pomfrey did." Hermione brought her hand to her mouth as it all fell together in her head and she squealed excitedly.

Nell realised the girl clearly must have seen Cedric going into the changing rooms to talk to her and now assumed something happened between them. Which technically, something did happen, but nothing along the lines Hermione was thinking. Once again, they just talked.

"Who?! Hermione who are talking about?" Harry demanded, desperately wanting to know what Hermione had just figured out. Whereas Ron just sat there looking the most confused out of them all.

"Mione I swear." Nell warned and sent a pleading look to the girl with her eyes.

"I won't say anything but......"

Oh no, don't say it, please don't say it.
Was the only though that occupied Nell's brain as she awaited Hermione's next sentence, knowing what the girl was thinking.

"Did you kiss him?" She blurted out, unable to contain herself anymore.

"What?!" Ron and Harry shouted in unison. That was probably the last thing they were expecting Hermione to say. Even Harry - who knew something had happened with Nell - wasn't expecting that.

"Hermione! No! Of course I didn't kiss him." Nell quickly dismissed the girl, seeing the shocked looked on the boys' faces and the cheeky knowing one held by Hermione.

"Who?! Harry demanded, as he lost all his remaining patience.

"Ugh fine." Nell sighed in defeat before looking down to her hands. "Cedric. I was talking to Cedric and he said something funny and it made me blush, okay? Happy?" She mumbled.

"Diggory? But he's in what- fifth year?" Ron questioned and tilted his head like that of a confused dog.

"Yes Ron, which is exactly why nothing would ever happen. And it's not like anything was happening anyway! He just wanted to make sure I was okay after the fall and that's it." Nell concluded and they all turned to face Harry, expecting him to say something on the matter.

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