Chapter 7: Our Girl

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The next morning Nell climbed through the portrait hole into the common room, after returning to school and being treated by Madam Pomfrey. Her entire body ached but thankfully the transformation wasn't a particularly bad one. She had numerous cuts and bruises, and a nasty gash on her arm that Madam Pomfrey healed up so that all that remained was scarred red line, but nothing worse than the usual.

Thankfully everyone was asleep whilst she climbed into bed to catch a few hours of sleep before breakfast. She really didn't feel like answering any questions about where she'd been right now.

The girl was awoken from her deep sleep by a a pair of hands gently shaking her shoulders, "Nell, you won't believe what we've figured out,". She opened her eyes to see the familiar face of Harry staring down at her. It took her a moment to grasp her surroundings and realise where she was. "Harry? Wait how did you get in the girls dorms?"

"That's what we came to tell you, we figured out how to get past the charmed staircases!"

Hermione appeared from behind him, looking rather annoyed, "I would like to make it clear that 'we' does not include me. I had nothing to do with this."

Hermione shook her head in disapproval as Ron stood beside her grinning proudly. "I did, it was Fred and George who helped us figure it out actually. You just have to walk up the steps two at a time, and only on the even ones."

"Let me guess, there was a lot of trial and error involved in figuring that one out, huh?" The girl laughed weakly but winced as soon as she did it when her chest ached from the sudden movement. Madam Pomfrey had given her something to ease the pain but it could only do so much.

"You coming down to breakfast with us, or do you want us to bring you something up?" Harry asked.

"No, I'm coming"


The crowds cheered from the stands as the two teams entered the pitch, dressed in their signature red and gold and blue and black robes: brooms in hand. The loudest of the cheers came from the teacher's section where parents were welcome to watch, and of course the two youngest player's parents had taken advantage of this fact. The four adults waved frantically to their children below, Sirius and James head to toe in Gryffindor memorabilia in the front row, screaming at the top of their lungs. "LOOK PADFOOT, THERE THEY ARE!"

Harry and Nell grinned at the sound of their parents' screams of enthusiasm echoing down from above them. Although at the same time, they were terrified. The last thing they wanted to do was let down their parents and their house during their very first match.

"Oh look at them Rem, they're so small compared to the rest of the team." Lily leaned closer to Remus' ear so he could hear her over the crowd. She brought her hand to her heart as she stared down at the kids in adoration.

"Right. I want a nice clean game from the both of you." Madam Hooch's words echoed throughout the pitch as as the last of players flew into position. Harry high above the others and Nell to the left of the front and starting chaser. Hooch's whistle filled the air as Nell took off flying forwards, getting into position to catch the quaffle. She turned around just in time, catching the ball in her hands and then zooming straight towards the hoops, the ravenclaw chasers right on her tail. Sirius' voice erupted from the stands, "YES! THAT'S MY GIRL!". Remus stepped forward to beside his husband, grabbing his hand which gripped on the railing, "OUR GIRL! GO ON NELL!".

Being too absorbed in the match, Nell hadn't heard her fathers' cheers when she threw the ball far out in front of her, allowing her fellow chaser to knock it with the back of their broom and send it flying through the middle hoop.

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