Chapter 3: Lions

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"First years! This way!" A booming voice filled hogsmead station ushering Harry, Nell and their fellow first years towards it. A giant man loomed over them, seemingly intimidating until you spotted the massive goofy grin on his face, excited to welcome the new students.

The trio climbed into one of the boats that sat rocking on the black water, clashing against each other as students slowly began to fill them, Ron almost falling in in the process.

Just as they were about set off, a frizzy haired first year girl climbed in with them mumbling something about it being the only boat left.
"I'm Hermione Granger by the way, it's just amazing isn't it?" she looked out across the water towards the castle, "Did you know the boats are enchanted to move themselves? I read it in Hogwarts a history."

Nell struggled to conceal her smile at how fast the girl was talking, she decided to introduce herself whilst she could still get a word in, "I'm Nell Lupin-Black, this is my best friend Harry, and Ron who we met on the train." She gestured to the boys who sat either side of her in the boat.

Nell felt the girl's eyes linger on her face for a moment but she didn't say anything before settling her gaze on Ron. "You have dirt on your nose you know, right there", the girl pointed to her own nose for reference.

The boy's face flushed with embarrassment as Harry and Nell looked at each other, not knowing whether they should or shouldn't laugh. They settled on the former and it wasn't long until all four of the kids were laughing as one.


The children's eyes lit up as they walked through the doors of the great hall, they marvelled at the candles that floated above them beneath an enchanted night sky.

As they reached the front of the hall, a tall pristine looking women - who the first years had previously just been introduced to as Professor Mcgonagall - began to read out a list of names. One by one, as their names were called, the students would go up to the front of the hall to be sorted into their house.

"Bones, Susan" A round faced girl with mousy brown hair made her way to the stool.

Nell could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her stomach turning at the thought of her name being called. Harry reaching down and quickly grabbing her hand told her he was feeling the same.

"Lupin-Black, Nell"

Her heart dropped. She felt her legs lock in place beneath her and found herself unable to move until Harry gave her a nudge of encouragement. "Go on Nells, it'll be fine, I promise."

She carried herself up to the stool, perching awkwardly on the edge as McGonagall lowered the hat onto her head until it drooped over her ears and eyes, drowning out the atmosphere of the hall.

"Hmmmm", Nell almost fell off the chair as warm deep voice filled her ears.
"A very bright witch you are, kind too, a lot like your fathers I see." Her mind wandered at the mention of her parents, she hadn't thought about them since her and Harry met Ron in the carriage, she really hoped they were okay.

"Mmmm but there's something else there, ah yes I see. Guess it'll have to be.....

A huge smile stretched across the girl's face as the hat was pulled off her, revealing Harry staring back at her with the same look of joy and pride.

After she made her way to sit down to beside Hermione at the Gryffindor table, who had already been sorted, it wasn't long before Harry's turn came.

"Potter, Harry"

Nell fiddled with her fingers beneath the table whilst she anxiously awaited the sorting hat's verdict. After almost of minute of silence the booming voice erupted through the hall, "GRYFFINDOR!"

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