Chapter 14: Confrontation

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Moonlight shone through the window onto a very much awake Nell. After tossing and turning for hours she finally gave up and swung her legs over the side of her bed; her feet landing on the carpet with a thud.

Letting out a deep sigh, she rubbed her eyes before making her way to the door and stepping out into the hallway. She treaded lightly, knowing how to avoid the boards that would creak beneath her weight.

She gently pushed open the door and peered into her fathers' room, only to see an empty space next to her gently snoring dad. Pulling the door back shut she made her way down the stairs. To her surprise she was met by her sandy blond father sat on the sofa: staring into the glowing embers of the fire.

He wrapped his arm around her as she sunk into the place next to him, and rested her head on his side.

"What's up Cub?" He stroked her head lovingly with his hand.

"Hmm, what's up with you?"

He laughed softly at her response, "Oh you know, can't sleep."

It was a few days after the last full moon, a time when they both struggled to get a good nights sleep. The first day or so consisted of barely being able to get out of bed, and after that it was almost the opposite. Whether it was nightmares of the transformation or just simple restlessness, it seemed something was always keeping them up.

"I told them. Ron and Hermione."

He immediately turned away from the fire to look at her, trying to gage whether she was happy or upset, "You did? Oh Pup, how did it go?"

"They were amazing, accepted me without a second thought." She smiled, reminiscing the memory of their loving responses to her secret.

Remus gazed down at his daughter, trying to ignore the guilt twinging in his chest and only feel the happiness of what she was telling him. But he knew no matter what he did it would never go away: the constant knowing that he was the reason she had to deal with all of this. The reason she had to tell her friends something so heartbreaking at all.

"Of course they did my darling. I'm so proud of you, you know? Not just for this, but everything."

She tilted her head up to look at him and nodded gently, "I love you dad."

"I love you too Cub."

They melted into the moment, staring into the fading fire. Remus leant down and placed a kiss on her temple, "We should probably try to get some sleep, busy day tomorrow hmm?"

Once returning to bed the two fell asleep much faster than they usually would've, both feeling far better off after their midnight talk.


"Right, we'll go pay for these books then."
The four adults headed to the back of the shop, leaving Harry and Nell to browse the racks near the door.

The two families had gone to Diagon Alley for the day to buy all of Harry and Nell's school supplies for the next year. The bulk of what they needed was new textbooks for their third year classes so of course they headed straight to flourish and blots.

As they were scanning the shelves Nell noticed a familiar head of brown hair coming down one of the aisles, "Harry look! It's Hermione. Hermione!"

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