Chapter 33: Out of the Flames

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"So who do you think is gonna be the Hogwarts champion?" Hermione asked the group as they made their way into the hall for the champions announcement dinner.

The entire hall was buzzing with the excitement of the coming announcement, as crowds of students piled in, all immersed in their own conversations about the same thing. Towering over everything, stood the magnificent Goblet which determined it all, it's signature sapphire flames erupting from the top.

"I'm not sure, but I know Cedric entered so maybe him." Nell shrugged before settling down at the Gryffindor table beside Harry as Ron and Hermione sat opposite them.

Without evening realising, Harry felt his eyes roll at the mention of the Hufflepuff boy's name.

"Settle down! Settle down!" Dumbledore's booming voice soon powered over the noise of the room and brought everyone to their seats. The entire hall sat in anticipation, those who had entered their names waiting anxiously amongst the crowd.

Searching the sea of heads, Nell soon spotted the familiar one of Cedric Diggory sat amongst his fellow Hufflepuff's. Looking at his face, Nell saw nothing but pure excitement at the prospect of being chosen. No sign of his previous fear or hesitation clouded his current features, only complete and utter confidence.

Upon seeing this, Nell just knew that if it was his name that was called, Hogwarts couldn't be in better hands. As his eyes found hers, the girl sent him an encouraging smile and thumbs up making a smile tug at his own lips.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore's voice had her spinning back around to face the centre of the room where he now stood beside the goblet.

At the flourish of his hand, the blue flames licked higher into the sky before swirling into a rush of red and expelling a single square of smouldering paper. Leaving a trail of smoke behind it, the sheet cascaded down into the headmaster's outstretched palm.

"The Durmstrang champion is......" The table of Durmstrang students sat on the edge of their seats whilst the others watched in anticipation, "Viktor Krum!"

The entire crowd of Durmstrang students erupted into loud boisterous shouts and applause as Krum, with his face still set in stone, made his way to the front of the room.
After firmly shaking Dumbledore's hand, he disappeared out of a door in the back of room whilst Dumbledore gestured towards the goblet once again.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is....... Fleur Delacour!" He announced as a series of polite claps came from the crowd of blue and a particular blonde head came forwards to shake his hand.

"The Hogwarts Champion...."

The tension grew unbearable as Dumbledore gently unfolded the paper, his eyes scanning over the name.

"Cedric Diggory!"

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go in history, only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory. The Triwizard cup!" Dumbledore's strong words were soon interrupted by another puff of flames from the goblet. The entire room, students and teachers alike, shared looks of confusion, even Dumbledore himself's eyes widened at the sight. Clearly this wasn't part of the ceremony.

A wave of gasps and whispers rushed over the room as a fourth piece of paper burst out of the now scarlet flames. Dumbledore's brows furrowed as he took the paper in his hand and read the contents. In his confusion, he mumbled something barely perceptible to himself.

"Nell Black?" Despite his hushed tone, Nell ears perked up at the sound of her name. No. Surely she had misheard him. Surely this couldn't really be happening. I mean she hadn't even entered her name so how could it be there, written on that very piece of paper Dumbledore held in his hands.

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