Chapter 18: Please

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"Last day tomorrow, finally." Ron poked at his toast with his fork before bringing a piece to his mouth. "Feels like we've been here longer than one term. You know? With the amount of essays we've been set."

Enchanted snow sprinkled down from the ceiling, coating the top of the Christmas trees which now lined the edges of the great hall but disappearing before landing on the students. The whole school had been transformed for the winter season, immersing the teachers and pupils into the holiday magic.

Ron continued to fill his plate, enjoying his second last Hogwarts breakfast before going home for Christmas. Harry hummed in agreement beside him and Hermione and Nell opposite them, although Nell was barely conscious at this point. Yes tomorrow was the last day of school, but unfortunately for Nell it was also the day of the full moon. She lay with her head resting on her arms on the table, her breathing slowed and heavy.

Hermione rubbed her back comfortingly, "You can go back to bed Nell, you really won't miss much."

Pulling her head up, Nell widened her eyes as big as possible, fighting the urge to pass out right there, "Nah, I've got to get mine and dad's wolfsbane potions from Snape."

She reached up and began to rub her temples, tending to the headache that was starting to set in. "Plus the herbology project's due today and I told Cormac I'd meet him in the library to run over a few last things."

"Nell we can collect the potions for you and Cormac can do that on his own. Please, just go back to bed." Hermione protested, worried about her friend.

Hermione already read a lot more than the average person but ever since Nell had told them about her condition she'd been reading more than ever. Devouring every book she could find on werewolves. She was determined to learn as much as she could about what Nell went through with the hope that somehow she'd be able to help her.

But the more she learnt, the more her worrying increased. Giving her the need to make sure Nell looked after herself around the full moon, something the girl clearly wasn't great at doing herself.

"Honestly Mione, I'm okay. You really don't need to worry." She forced a weak smile, not wanting to worry her friends anymore than they already had.

"Hmm" Hermione pursed her lips together, still not looking convinced, but she realised this wasn't a battle she was going to win.

When it came to the full moon, Nell was adamant she wouldn't let it hold her back. Obviously there was some times when she had no choice but to give in to her body and stay in bed all day, but she resisted it whenever she could.

After finishing up, the four headed to their first lesson, transfiguration, walking steadily as a group to accustom to Nell's current slower pace.

Professor McGonagall's eyes widened as the foursome came into the classroom along with the other third years. Nell was the last person she'd expected to see in her lesson this morning, certainly considering the state she was in.

Large, dark circles hung under the girl's eyes which looked as if they were barely staying open. Her skin was pale and her hair had faded to a dull grey on her drooped head. The Professor couldn't help but wonder 'why on earth isn't that poor girl in bed?'

"Miss Lupin-Black" she called the girl up to her desk as the other students chatted amongst themselves in their seats

"I hope you realise there is no expectation for you to attend lessons on days like this." She said quietly to the girl, to avoid any unwanted ears listening in. For the same reason, Nell matched her tone.

"Oh, I know Professor. I er... just don't like falling behind in my lessons." She assured her.

"And I'm actually not feeling too bad right now. But thank you." She added, seeing the teachers concerned look.

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