Chapter 21: A Long Night

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{Tw: Semi-graphic werewolf transformation}

After Nell's and Remus' little chat the two retreated back inside from the winter cold, which had essentially left them both numb. It wasn't such a bad thing though, considering the tremendous amount of discomfort they were in from the full moon. The cold breeze cooled their aching muscles and brought a strange sort of comfort.

The monotonous pain of the moon was buried for the time being and in its place came the piercing needles of the winter air. It still hurt, but it was a different kind of pain - a better one if that was even possible - and weirdly brought them both a sense of relief.

Feeling better after getting it all off of her chest, Nell decided to tell Sirius too, knowing it would only make her feel better. As expected, there were a few more tears as the three sat huddled in the living room and Sirius wanted nothing more than to march down to Hogwarts and rip Cormac's head off - but the main thing was that she'd done it. She'd told both of her Dads without completely breaking down again and for now, that was enough.

Especially considering what she still had to come.

Nell could tell she was in for a rough night, she was already exhausted from the events of the last two days, and her body was letting her know that. Every ache throbbed deeper, every bone grinded harder. She was hurting and the wolf could tell.

Well as much as she braced herself she would've never considered it could be this bad. They had barely landed on the muddy forest floor before an involuntary scream reverberated through her lungs: echoing through her entire body.

Remus, Sirius and James were caught equally as off guard by her sudden collapsing and cries of pain. They usually had at least twenty minutes before either of them began to transform. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

The wolf could sense her weakness and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to drag her away faster. The pain was unimaginable and something even Nell had never experienced across all of her many transformations.

If felt as every bone in her body had shattered, and the sharp fragments were digging in and piercing her organs, tearing her apart from the inside out. She desperately clawed at the ground and her trembling face as her screams transformed into desperate gasps for air.

Her fathers' reassuring voices were the only thing anchoring her to reality but even those swirled into the darkness as the wolf forced her into a tiny dark corner of herself and took control.

Despite gaining dominance, the wolf still didn't seem satisfied, as it began to throw itself aggressively against trees, clawing at its skin desperately. Cormac's words of destruction had clearly found their way into it's brain: the only sense of her consciousness that had lingered.

It was as if it wanted to punish her, to push her down even further when she was already so low and broken. Yes, she had managed to start feeling a lot better after the whole Cormac incident with the help of her fathers but the wolf clearly wasn't done with her.

Padfoot and Prongs had barely managed to transform with how distraught they were at the sight of the frail girl flailing desperately on the ground. And despite starting the process over fifteen minutes before him, Nell still only transformed at the same time as Remus did.

Whilst she was first transforming the three men wanted desperately to comfort her, to take her in their arms and wash all of the pain away. But they could offer no more than seemingly useless words of comfort. They felt helpless, and it was killing them.

The two animagi tried desperately to calm the agitated wolf. Even the other wolf tried to encourage her to play with him, but to no avail.
It took no notice of those around it, it simply continued to scratch relentlessly at itself until it finally tore bloody line down its chin and neck and resorted to running off deep into the woods.

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