Chapter 78: Visions

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Cold air, cold bones and a sea of green which made you feel as you could fall into it forever.

An endless corridor.

Tile upon tile, brick upon brick. Something was moving through the dark.

Cold as frost which can never be anything but such. Cold or gone. Gone or cold.

Footsteps. Not theirs. Someone moving in the dark.

Two minds lost, eclipsed by a third.

Pulling, pulling. The current of a marble river never moves but slipping on the surface, something is moving in the dark.

Not footsteps. Theirs.

Footsteps. Not theirs.




A pale moon face alight in the dark, dripping crimson wax across the sky.


Green rivers run red when all that lives dies.

Nell jolted up, emerging from the marble of her mind. Familiarity was lost on her, the shadows of the room were not of her own. But just as she was about to panic she remembered.

Harry. She knew where she was. She was in Harry's dorm, she hadn't been able to sleep so she had come to Harry's dorm. She could feel the weight of the boy asleep beside her. Everything was okay. She was safe.

But then another face came to her mind. Mr Weasley. Followed by a flash of red.

And at once her heart lurched up into her throat. For something deep inside her told her this wasn't just a dream. Somewhere, all alone in the dark, Arthur Weasley needed help.

She could all but smell the blood dripping down his face, a sickness crawling through her at the image that stained her mind.

At once she looked to the boy lay beside her, feeling somehow as if he would understand, that he had seen it too, felt it too. But he wasn't wake.

He, unlike her, was still captive in the midst of the dream. Vision. She didn't know what to call it.

But he was whatever it was, wherever it was, Harry was clearly still there. His eyes were darting back and forth behind their lids, his breaths ripping out of his chest as his body twitched slightly with the poison in his mind.

Not knowing what else she could do, she shook him, gently at first but growing more panicked when he didn't wake up.

"Harry" she shook him again, her whispers growing with her panic as visions of Mr Weasley's limp body plagued her mind.

"Wake up" She could feel her own pulse ringing in her head as she tried to wake him.

"Harry, Harry wake up, fuck, wake up" he began to breath heavier and faster, sweat beading on his pale forehead.

"Nell?" Another voice called out from the darkness of the dorm, the only one of the boys close enough to hear Nell's frantic whispers.

Upon seeing Ron, staring out across the dark, the fear spreading across her like a parasitic vine tightening its deadly grip. It all became that much more real.

"Ron" His name came out choked with fear, her heart cracked against her ribs.

Looking into his eyes laced with concern, she couldn't tell him. She couldn't bear it.

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