Chapter 10: Detention

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"Harry, we could use these to find out more about Fluffy and the Philosophers stone!"
Nell stared at the ceiling from her place on Harry's bed, planning all sorts of things in her mind. Harry sat crossed legged next to her, staring at the Gryffindor memorabilia above his headboard and being equally deep in thought.

"Wait. So if Dumbledore has got a massive dog supposedly guarding this thing, you don't think someone's after it do you?"

Nell looked up at the boy, processing what he had just said. "Maybe. But why would anyone want to steal it that badly that it ends up under armed guard at a school?"

He shrugged his shoulders as the girl turned her gaze back to the ceiling, " I don't know."

"Like I get that it brings eternal life and all but this seems kinda overkill."

"Well maybe with these we can finally figure it out." He grinned down at the cloak and map in his lap.

She looked back up at him again, furrowing her eyebrows, "Hermione's gonna flip you know.".

"Yeah but Ron's gonna love it."
He grinned down at her.

The moment they got back to Hogwarts and were released from the great hall, Harry and Nell dragged the other two up to the dorms. As suspected Hermione did not approve and wanted the two to hand both the map and cloak in to Professor McGonagall, whereas Ron was thrilled.

Clearly unimpressed, Hermione soon returned to the girls dorm for the night but Nell stayed behind and as it got late decided just to spend the night with the boys. It made sense since her and Harry both had to get up early for quidditch practice the next morning. Plus they had an extra bed in their dorm.

An idea popped into Harry's head as the two walked down to quidditch pitch: the morning sun beginning to rise from behind the forest. "Hey Nell..."

Recognising the devilish grin on his face, she immediately knew he had some sort of plan, probably one that would get them in trouble. "What?"

"So you know how we think someone might be trying to steal the stone?"

She crinkled her nose, trying to catch onto to what he was suggesting, "Yeah..."

"What if wait by the door with the map, so we can see if anyone comes near it, and if they do we can follow them."

Her eyes widened at his words, "Follow them? Harry don't you think this thief could be dangerous?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her knowingly, as if to say 'like that's ever stopped us before'.

"Okay fine, it's a plan. We'll go tonight and we can stop off at Hagrid's first to see if he'll tell us anything else."

Later that night Nell, Harry, Ron and with a lot of persuasion, Hermione, made their way down to Hagrid's hut under the invisibility cloak. As they reached the door Nell poked her arm out from under the cloak and gave the door three loud knocks.

"Who's there?" To their surprise, as the door opened, Hagrid was revealed holding a crossbow pointed right where they were stood.

"It's us!" The group pulled the cloak off from around them, making the half giant jump as they seemingly appeared from thin air.

After scolding them for being out of bed, Hagrid welcomed the children in and sat them down by the fire. A few feeble attempts to get information out of him and a couple cups of tea later, the kids decided they should probably head back to castle to proceed with the next step of their plan.

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