Chapter 32: The Unforgivables

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Almost a week had passed since the announcement of the tournament, and the great hall, where the goblet of fire lay, had become the centre of the attention of the entire school. A fair few people hung around waiting just to see who would dare approach to enter their name. It was the talk of the school.

Much to everyone's amusement, Fred and George, despite Hermione's warnings, had tried to cross the age line set up by Dumbledore around the cup to enter their names. They earned around 5 seconds of victory before the charm sent them flying out of the age line and gave them matching white beards. It was quite a sight to see, the two twins, who were now identically old, wrestling on the floor before McGonagall dragged them away to detention.

Making their way to their first DADA lesson of the year, Nell and Harry were equally as curious as to what it would be like having Mad-eye Moody as a professor and to why their parents either didn't tell them or didn't know themselves.

"Why do you think our dads didn't mention it?" Harry, as if reading Nell's mind, asked the girl as they walked through the busy corridor.

"Maybe they didn't know, you know how secretive Dumbledore is with everything." She replied as the four of them reached the classroom door along with a few of their fellow classmates.

"She's right about that." Ron piped in.

"Godric this is gonna be weird." Harry mumbled quietly to himself as they pushed through the door into the room, the four of them taking two tables in the middle of the classroom.

As she settled into her seat, Nell looked up to see Moody's eyes on her and so sent him a small smile, which he didn't even acknowledge, something Nell found strange seeing as they did know each other and had met on several occasions. He just snapped his gaze away, his face twitching slightly.

"Alastor Moody. Ministry Auror, and your new defensive against the dark arts professor. I am here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story." He said in a gruff voice and he hobbled over to the front of the class, his wooden leg clunking against the floor.

"Any questions?" He said as he turned to face the class who wore similar shocked expression at his abruptness. Getting no response, he continued.

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" The students' eyes widened at the mention of such a thing as the atmosphere in the classroom quickly grew tense and uncomfortable. Well for the kids at least, Moody seemed as at ease as a man like him could ever get.

"Three Sir." Hermione hesitantly answered as the rest of the room remained quiet.

"And they are so named?" He asked again only for a very quiet Hermione to continue seeing as no one else was willing to.

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will-" She started before his rough words cut her off.

"Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban." The entire class flinched at the volume of his voice and the mention of wizarding prison.
Nell knew that Moody was tough and intense but she assumed he would've dialled it down as a professor, clearly not.

"Now the Minister says you are too young to see what these curses do. I say different." He started as he turned his back to class to scribble something down on the blackboard behind him.

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