Chapter 41: May I?

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"Ugh Nells, do we really have to do this now?" Harry said, slumping over a pile of books, his glasses crooked on his face. He groaned as he looked back up to see Nell bringing over yet another pile, their golden eggs propped up on the table in front of them.

"Constant vigilance Harry, constant vigilance" Nell grumbled, mimicking Mad-eye Moody's voice with a phrase they were both familiar with the man saying, and familiar of their fathers mocking too.

"Woah, Moody is that you?" Harry said, sitting up and widening his eyes and playing along with her gag.

"Yes, now read boy" she ordered, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she flipped open a huge book of runes, looking for some familiarly on the gold surface of the eggs.

It had been almost two weeks since the first task, and Hermione had finally forced the four into the library to do some research after their numerous excuses had ran out. But as to where the girl was in this moment, Nell had no clue, she had disappeared into the maze of shelves a few minutes ago, an idea clearly having popped into her head, and had yet to return.

As for Ron, he was leaned over an open book, drooling onto the dusty pages as he snored softly.

"But Nells I'm bored" Harry whined like a child, pushing the books away from him and slumping back into his chair. Nell looked to him with a disapproving look as she continued to flick through the pages.

"Do you want Hermione to murder us? We are supposed to be knee deep in research right now" she pointed out.

"Okay well she's not here so" he argued, propping his feet up onto the table beside him, only centimetres away from Ron's drooped face. Nell sighed in defeat, giving up on finding anything remotely useful in the masses of books piled up at their table.

"Fine. I guess we can take a break, these stupid bloody eggs" she huffed, dropping down into a chair opposite Harry's and beside Ron, whilst Hermione remained no where to be found.

"Yeah and they're like super heavy to lug around too" Harry added before staring at Nell with a strange look making her furrow her brows and reach up to touch her face as if there was something on it.

"Er- blue" Harry explained, gesturing to his own head in reference to her hair which had now turned bright neon blue, completely unbeknownst to the girl who quickly looked down to her shoulders.

"Dammit, it's been going crazy lately, it hasn't done this for years" she groaned, turning the colour back to light brown only for it to shimmer back to blue again.

She tried three more times before giving up completely, she knew it wouldn't last long. This was something that used to happen a lot, especially when she was younger and had less control over her ability. Only back then she could go for weeks at a time with brightly coloured hair, whether she liked it or not, now it never seemed to last more than a day. It wasn't that she minded, it was just inconvenient when she had no idea she was doing it.

"What?" The girl snapped at Harry who was smirking to himself.

"Hmm nothing, you just look like a pixie" he grinned cheekily, quickly dodging as she threw a pencil at his head.

"Yeah and you look like an idiot, four eyes" she poked back with a playful scowl.

"Ouch, I forgot, you aren't supposed to anger pixies" he sniggered as she grew more annoyed.

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