Chapter 76: The Things That Go Unspoken

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Tw: just really sad themes

As if nothing had happened at all, Nell was back in corridors of Hogwarts. It was surreal, walking the same hallways she had only nights before been sprinting down, certain that it was the end of everything. It was almost exactly the same time. As she had that night, she could still hear the clattering of cutlery in the great hall, the warm buzz of conversation, and still the overlapping heartbeats.

She wouldn't dare let herself close her eyes, for even blinking blurred the distinction between the full moon and tonight, four nights past. She walked fast, fearing lingering too long in one spot would bring back images she dreaded to face.

She was coming from the hospital wing, having spent the last half an hour listening to Madame Pomfrey ramble off a million concerns and a diluted scolding about not coming to her about Umbridge's behaviour sooner.

Umbridge. That was a different story altogether. Nell knew her fathers had stormed the school with the fury of a protective parent, but the vile women somehow still managed to keep her place as the castle's resident "ministry representative".

What Nell didn't know, was that although Umbridge had first threatened her parents with exposing Remus' condition to the ministry, this wasn't going to stop them from heading straight to the minister himself. It was only once she threatened Nell they realised how little power they had over her.

As much as they wished their daughter could live in world where being who she was made no difference to the way she was treated in society, such a world didn't exist. And thus they were left almost entirely powerless in their pursuit against her. It also seemed Dumbledore was as without power as they were to the women's role in the school. Whether they liked it or not, it seemed she was here for the long run.

Her power didn't however stop Remus threatening her to an inch of her life if she ever dared to touch their daughter again before shattering nearly all of her decorative wall plates with slamming the door so aggressively hard.

They had wasted no time in bursting into her office in a fit of fury, followed by McGonagall who stood watching, rather proudly if anything in the doorway.

"How dare you! How dare you lay a finger on her!" Remus had spat, drawing his wand as the women sat smugly behind her desk, almost entirely unfazed.

But even her cloying exterior struggle to maintain itself under the intensity which was a furious Remus Lupin.

"I know you know what I am so I know you know what I'm capable of and don't you dare think for a second that I won't kill you!" He growled, shadowing her as he stood before her desk, his wand inches away from her throat.

"May I remind you Mister Lupin" she shifted into a more comfortable position in her chair" that although I may know of half-breed nature, the rest of the ministry does not and unless you wish for that to change, I would ask that you take a step back and leave my office."

At this point Sirius took the liberty of stepping forwards, his eyes blazing as he smashed his hand against her desk sending her pink tea flying of out her teacup and all across the desk.

"Call him that one more time!" He threatened, McGonagall now taking the liberty of stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind herself, leaving her old pupils to their business.

"I would let them take me to Azkaban before I'd let you touch her again." Remus continued, his voice dangerously low.

"Your threats won't work Umbridge, you've hurt our family too many times and if you think you'll get away with this-" Sirius joined in, his voice dripping with spit and an edge as sharp as a knife.

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