Chapter 16: Hogsmeade

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The only sound that could be heard in the Defense against the darks art classroom was the repetitive banging of Ronald Weasley's head on the table. They had just had double potions and double charms and this seemed to be the final straw for the redheaded boy.

It was clear everyone was tired as the usual chatter that would've normally filled the room was absent. In fact most people had their heads on their desk as they waited for the professor who would be taking their lesson.

Since Professor Quirrel's abrupt removal for 'classified reasons', and the inevitable firing of the ridicule that was Gildory Lockhart, different professors had been stepping up to cover the lessons until a replacement was found.

Which teacher you would get had sort of become a game of roulette for the students. Everyone could only hope that it wouldn't be Snape covering their lesson. Or Trelawny but that's only because she couldn't teach, at least she was nice.

Nell, who was sat beside Ron, patted him gently on the back, "Come on Ron. Just think, one more lesson today and we'll be off to hogsmeade tomorrow."

A few weeks had passed at school and the first Hogsmeade trip of the year was tomorrow, not to mention this would also be their first one without teacher supervision. Knowing this was probably the only thing keeping the students going through this utter hell of a day.

He grunted in response.

Nell went to say something else before something hit her in the back of the head, a ball of paper landing on the ground beside her. She turned around to face Harry who was sat next to Seamus behind her, "What?"

"Remember my dad said we have to check out Zonko's tomorrow, he said we-"

"Mr Potter, explain to me why you feel the need to interrupt the class with your incessant 'chit chat'" a voice behind Harry said, putting a harsh emphasis on the 't' sounds.

Harry immediately crossed his eyes and pulled a face at Nell, knowing exactly which professor had appeared through the door behind him, "Sorry Professor Snape."

At this point, Ron's head had flung back off the table in a flash and he was praying Snape hadn't seen and wouldn't be telling him off next.

"Turn to page 394." Ron let out a breath of relief as Snape strutted down the aisle between the two rows of table, taking his place at the front of the room.

Nell felt her mouth go dry as she turned to the correct page and her eyes settled on the title 'Lycanthropy'.

She knew this topic would come up eventually but her Dad had warned her it wouldn't until at least fifth year. She was also told McGonagall would give her a heads up a couple days before, so she certainly wasn't expecting this.

As he reached the page himself, Ron gave Nell's hand a reassuring squeeze under the table, steading her racing heartbeat. She shot him a weak smile and mouthed 'thank you' before turning her gaze back down to the book.

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?"

Clearly Snape was doing deliberately, he knew about her father so he obviously knew about her condition. In fact he was the one who prepared wolfsbane potion for them every month, much to his dismay. Not to mention he also knew her other father was an animagus.

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