Chapter 19: Home

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Crashing into her living room, Nell somehow managed to land on her feet but her knees threatened to give out beneath her shaking frame any moment.

The sounds of her sobbing meant she hadn't heard the footsteps rushing down the stairs and towards the room. She turned around to be met with her dark haired father flying through the door, wand in hand.

His arm dropped and eyes immediately softened as he saw his daughter, but then transformed again with worry as he saw the state she was in.

Her lip wobbled as she clutched her still bleeding hands and tears continued to flood from her puffy red eyes. Beneath her eyes, the dark circles had only grown and her pale complexion contrasted her now deep blue hair. "Dad?" She managed to choke out before her knees gave way beneath her.

As he rushed forward, he barely managed to catch her in his arms as she collapsed to the floor, shaking violently in his embrace.

"Pup? What happened, are you hurt. Who did this?" He whispered gently as he rocked her back and forth on the ground. She clung desperately onto his shirt, her tears and blood staining his collar.

"I- I-" she blubbered through her sobs, "he called me a- a- a monster." She choked out. His heart cracked hearing the way his daughter's voice broke as she trembled like a leaf in his arms.

"Who baby? Who said that?" He stroked her hair attempting to calm her, but he was struggling to keep his hand from shaking himself. Tears even pricked behind his full of anger and anguish eyes, threatening to spill over at the sight of his broken daughter. But he fought them, Nell needed him right now, he had to be strong.

He tensed up as he noticed her blood stained hands and the still bleeding gashes along her palms. He thought for a second, reluctant to leave her in this state but at the same time needing to heal her wounds. "Oh Pup, let me get you a cloth and a blanket and- and some water. I'll be right back I promise."

He rushed into the kitchen and began frantically open drawers, grabbing things, unable to steady his shaking hands. His eyes landed on a small circular thing on the counter. In his rush he grabbed it and flicked it open, staring into the shiny reflective surface, "Moony? Moony please are you there?" He spoke into the two way mirror, his voice quivering.

"Siri? What's wrong?" A voice called back as Remus' worried face appeared in the glass.

"It's- it's Nell. You need to come home." He said, the mirror shaking in his hands.

"What?! Is she hurt? What happened?!" His voice raised with concern and fear.

"She's safe, but something's really wrong Moony." He shook his head, biting his lip.

"Wait, she's there with you?" He questioned into the mirror.

"Yes, she just appeared. I- I don't know what to do." He replied, nodding nervously.

"I'm on my way." He said immediately and disappeared from the mirror, not needing to hear anything else.

Throwing the mirror back onto the counter, Sirius scrambled back into the other room, a damp cloth in hand, to find Nell still on the floor with her knees hugged against her chest. She stared blankly into the fire as tears still relentlessly rolled down her cheeks, only she was silent now - but in a way this was worse.

He kneeled in front of her and brought out his wand, muttering spells to heal her hands before wiping away the dried blood. She sat numbly before him, still crying silently into the fire.

Pulling one off the back of the sofa, he wrapped a blanket around her shoulders before joining her on the floor and pulling her into his chest.

She couldn't hold it in anymore, her sobs became louder again as she cried into his chest, her mind reliving what had just happened.

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