Chapter 37: Firelight

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"Okay, so you think I should use my broom but what about you? If Moody gave you the idea then surely you should be the one to use it Nells." Harry pointed out after Nell had plopped down onto the sofa beside him and explained Moody's idea to the boy and the other two.

By now, she had her head in his lap, looking up at him as they discussed the idea whilst Ron was lounged across the sofa beside them and Hermione sat amongst a pile of books on the floor.

When she walked in, Harry and Ron had been chatting about nothing in particular whilst Hermione was working on the twelve inch charms essay they had been set earlier that day. The essay that that other three probably wouldn't look at until the night before it was due.

Although, unlike the two boys, Nell had a unique ability to leave her work right until the last minute and somehow still manage get full marks every time regardless. It was something that drove the boys crazy, seeing as she seemed as irresponsible as them and yet never failed to pass with flying colours and they had no idea how she did it. Neither did Nell really. It was just how she'd always been.

"I have another idea, Moody's whole talk about having a plan got me thinking and I figured out a way for me to do it too. I wasn't going to tell him that though, he just seems a bit off to me, you know?" She explained, waving her hands around as she did so, whilst Harry looked down at her curiously. The moment she mentioned Moody's strange behaviour, he instantly understood what she meant.

Sure they hadn't spent that much time with the man before this year, but compared to the few moments they had, he now seemed like an entirely different person, but also somehow strangely familiar. He shrugged the thought off for the moment, seeing as they definitely had more important things to be worrying about. Like how they were going to get past a fire breathing dragon for starters.

"Yeah, I guess so. But what's your plan?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Theoretically, it's brilliant." She said slowly, sitting up off of Harry and looking to the three who watched her with doubtful faces.

"Theoretically Nell?" Ron asked, also sitting up straight to fully join the conversation and raising his brows in disapproval at the girl.

"Well I can't exactly do a test run can I, unless you happen to have a spare dragon lying around?" She pointed out, a sarcastic smirk tugging at her lips as Ron rolled his eyes at her response.

"Right." He said curtly. Hermione - who had up until this moment had just been thoughtfully observing the conversation without input - spoke to mediate.

"Okay so Harry, you need to practise summoning spells - which I can teach you - and Nell you need to practice...." she started, trailing off at the end as she and the boys waited for Nell to explain her plan.



The silvery glow of the midnight moon spilled into the maroon common room, beaming down onto the carpet, providing a heavenly contrast the flickering of the dying firelight. Through the large latticed window, Nell could feel the beams of the crescent casting down onto her shoulders.

The crescent which dictated the girl had about two and half weeks till she once again fell victim to her curse at the hands of its force, shining full and high in the sky. Tearing into her and ripping out the beast which awaited its presence patiently within. All month it sat dormant, growing stronger and stronger with every passing day which brought it closer to the moment it could rip free of its human prison.

Nell took a deep shaky breath and allowed the warm air of the room to fill her lungs and calm her racing heart. Once again she had been startled awake with images of two red eyes haunting her mind, dragging her away from the comfort of sleep.

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