Chapter 13: Accepted

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After a thankfully uneventful second year, Harry and Nell said their goodbyes to the other two with promises of meeting up at Ron's over the summer.

The days grew warmer and were filled with family barbecues with the Potters and lots and lots of garden quidditch games. The games were different to the ones they had played when they were younger, mainly because Harry and Nell were getting better and their fathers found themselves struggling to stay in the lead. A fact that they did not like. Particularly when the two children won their very first game against them.

"What?! Beaten by our own children, are we really that bad Prongs?" Sirius shouted down to James who had already descended to the grass of the Potter garden. He was wiping the sweat of his forehead whilst shaking his head in disbelief.

"I refuse to believe it Padfoot, they must have cheated or hexed our brooms or something."

Harry and Nell laughed at the sight of their fathers who were talking about them as if they weren't right there. Harry dared to interject, "Or maybe we're just, you know, better than you now."

"Nope, no way, I won't have it." Sirius waved his hand in disbelief.

"There is no way our kids are better than us at quidditch, I mean they can't even do half the tricks we can. Know what I'm thinking Pads?"
James looked to his friend and they shared an evil grin like two mischievous children.

Sirius bent down to pick his broom back up off the floor, to match James who still had his grasped in his hand. "Oh I know exactly what you're thinking Prongs."

All of a sudden the two fathers rushed towards their unsuspecting children and each pulled one over their shoulder, before placing two feet onto their brooms surf board style. Nell flailed over Sirius' shoulder and Harry over James'.

The kids squealed and laughed as their fathers zoomed through the air, racing higher and higher.


At the sound of the redheaded woman's voice, the two adults faces went white as a sheet as their shared a look of utter panic, "Oh shit."


Dear Nell,
Great news! Mum said you Harry and Hermione could come and stay for the whole of next week - as long as your dads are okay with it. Ginny can't wait to see you again, and she won't stop asking me if I think you could turn yourself into a bunny with your ability - Charlie wonders if you could do a dragon but I told him that was crazy. I've written to the others too and I can't wait to see you all soon.
From Ron

Nell mentally checked when the next full moon was as she folded the letter back into its envelope. She wouldn't let herself get excited until she was sure she could go. Happiness overwhelmed her as she realised the moon wasn't for another two weeks, so that wouldn't be a problem. Now all she had to do was check with her dads.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Remus gestured to her hair, which she hadn't noticed had turned lilac, as she came rushing down the stairs into the living room.

"I got a letter from Ron inviting me, Harry and Hermione to his house next week, would that be okay?" She asked, anxiously waiting his reply.

Remus smiled at his daughter and folded the page and placed his book down on the sofa next to him, "I recon that would be okay. We just need to check with Pads but I can't see why there'd be a problem."

"A problem with what?" Sirius had emerged from the kitchen and stood leant against the doorframe with his hair pulled up into a messy bun.

"Nell's been invited to stay with her friends at Ron's next week and I was telling her how I don't see why she couldn't. What do you think?"

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