Chapter 20: Healing

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Morning sunlight shone through the crack between the curtains and cascaded into the room, pooling on the floor in swirling golden patches. Sirius pulled himself quietly out of bed and headed to the bathroom door before turning around to look at the bed one last time.

Equally exhausted due to the coming moon, Remus and Nell lay passed out side by side in the bed, unlikely to wake for the rest of the day. He couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight. Yes, yesterday had been awful and tonight wouldn't be much better, but for now now they were all together and safe - as a family.

The two looked so peaceful with chests rising and falling in sync, their breathing slowed and heavy. In this moment there was no pain, no fear of the night to come, no unbearable exhaustion, just the welcoming comfort of sleep.

As agreed, Remus had written to McGonagall the night before, explaining what had happened and asking if she had anymore information. With today being the last day of term, it made no sense for Nell to return to school only to get straight on the train and head back again.

So she was free to just stay in bed as she so desperately needed. On top of the exhaustion brought by the full moon, she was also dealing with the overwhelming pain of what had happened the day before, and all of this was taking its toll on the poor girl.

Sirius had headed down to the kitchen and started on breakfast in case either Nell or Remus woke up and felt like eating something.
He was just about to start on the bacon when he heard three short raps on the door.

Wiping his hands on his trousers, he moved into hallway, hoping the sudden noise hadn't woken the two sleeping wolves. Much to his surprise, he opened the door to be faced with none other than Minerva McGonagall.

"Minerva" He said rather shocked. Any other day he would've called her Minnie, much to her annoyance, but now didn't seem like an appropriate time.

"Sirius," she forced a tight smile, clearly this wasn't just a social call, "may I come in?" He stepped out of the doorway, allowing her entrance.

"Oh, yes of course. Come in, come in. I'll just wake Remus." He guided her into the living room before making a move towards the stairs.

"Oh no, please don't wake him on my account." She waved her hand in front of her face, being very much aware of the upcoming full moon tonight and how it would be affecting her ex-student.

"I'll at least let him know that you're here." He decided, before turning back around and heading up the stairs.

Once he reached the room, he found the two still very much asleep with no sign that they'd moved at all since he left this morning. He moved to the side where Remus lay, snoring softly, and sat down beside him.

"Moony. Moony, McGonagall's here." He gently stroked the hair out of his husband's scarred face and kept his voice quiet - not wanting to wake the sleeping Nell beside him.

"Hmm?" Remus' heavy eyes fluttered open - confused at first - but then settled their gaze on Sirius sat beside him. "Oh, hmm okay I'm coming." He pushed himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed - pausing for a moment to rest his head in his hands.

Sirius helped him to get up and find his balance before they headed down the stairs to meet McGonagall.

As they entered the room, she stood up from where she had settled on the sofa, "Oh Remus, you really didn't have to come down."

Stars in Her Eyes {Wolfstar's Daughter}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin