Chapter 59: In Your Mind

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Fourteen days after Cedric Diggory's death, Nell finally managed to pull herself out of bed after a decent amount of sleep in Harry's company a few nights before.

This wasn't the first day she had tried but up until now had never managed to make it past her bedroom door, feeling as if leaving the room would mean leaving the walls she had built up around herself. And peeling back those layers wasn't something she was ready to do yet, or at least not until today.

She felt as if she had already taken a big step in opening up to Harry the a couple nights ago, or crying in front of someone else at least, so why stop there.

"Pup, hey..." she was greeted by the slightly shocked face of her father as she came down the stairs for the first time since coming home.

He spoke softly at her, walking over with an outstretched arm as if fearful doing anything wrong would ruin the progress she had made so far.

"I just um, came down to get something to eat." She said, holding her arms around her torso as she stood awkwardly on the spot, not entirely used to be standing up after being in bed for so long.

"Yeah yeah of course! What would you like?" Sirius answered immediately, his words overflowing with enthusiasm at the prospect of being able to help his daughter with something after weeks of feeling useless.

"I can make pancakes, eggs, waffles, I could probably attempt muffins, anything, anything you want darling" he rambled, barely taking a breath as he began to rush around the kitchen, checking what they had in the cupboards.

"I think I'll just have some toast if that's okay" Nell stopped his frantic movements, making her way towards the toaster before he beat her to it, already sliding the bread in.

"Toast brilliant, I can do that, one batch of toast coming up" he grinned as she watched slightly confused, wondering if her dad was maybe drunk.

Shrugging it off she made her way into the living room where Remus sat reading a book with a cup of tea, certainly not expecting to be joined by his daughter that morning.

"Er is Pads okay? He seems kind of loopy" she spoke making his eyes shoot up from his book which was quickly forgotten on the table as he jumped up from his seat.

"Sweetheart, you're um- can I get you anything? Do you want to sit?" He asked in the same strange voice as Sirius with the strange same smile as he reached out to her with his arms, as if he thought she would collapse at any moment.

"Erm I'm okay, Pads is bringing me some toast" she said, sitting down on the sofa, feeling very much confused.

She wasn't entirely sure if it was just that she had been in bed so long she simply wasn't used to human interaction or if something strange was going on.

"Toast, that's- brilliant," Remus said quickly, his words beaming with enthusiasm as he sat back down beside her.

"Yeah that's kind of exactly what he said, I didn't realise you two had turned into toast fanatics" she scoffed slightly, resulting in her father chuckling as if she'd said the funniest thing in the world.

"Here you go pup, I wasn't sure how much you wanted or needed um, but do you need anything else?" Sirius came into the room with a plate stacked with buttered toast, at least half a loaf of bread in total.

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