Chapter 22: Pretty

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The Lupin-Black's stood huddled in their coats in front of the Potter's house, waiting for someone to open the door. It was Christmas so, as per usual, they would be spending together.

Nell hugged her coat tightly against her skin, but was careful to keep the pressure off of her still healing wound. It had only been two days since the moon so it was still very visible, running down her chin and neck and disappearing into her dress. It was stuck in that bright red-purple phase before it would fade silvery white like the others.

Part of Nell had wanted to use a disillusionment charm before they came, as to not put a damper on the happy day. But she soon realised she was being ridiculous. This was her family, they were the last people she should feel the need change around.

The door swung open to reveal a smiling Lily,
"Remus, Sirius." She hugged them and ushered the three inside before her eyes landed on Nell.

"Oh Nell, sweetie." Lily threw her arms around the girl upon seeing her frail condition, making sure not to squash her neck. From what she'd heard from Remus, Sirius and Harry, she essentially knew the whole story. In fact they all did, except little Lucas of course.

"It looks worse than it is." She shrugged it off and smiled reassuringly.

"She gets that from you, you know? Hiding her pain so that no one else will worry." Lily whispered into Remus' shoulder as Nell moved out of earshot. How well she remembered the way he used to shrug off her own worried questions when they were at school.

"Yeah. I know." He said sadly, watching his daughter move over to Harry who had just emerged, thumping down the stairs, James flying down behind him with Lucas on his back. The six year old was looking more and more like his father everyday, his scruffy black hair sticking up all over his head.

"Come on, let's go open this wine." She nudged Remus' shoulder playfully causing him to smirk down at the bottle he was holding in his hands.

"Hey. Rough night?" Harry said as he pulled Nell into a hug, referring to previous full moon.

"You know it." She mumbled into his shoulder.

He pulled her into the living room where they sat crossed legged, facing each other on the sofa. Knowing he wanted to say something, she raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

"I punched Cormac." He blurted out.

"You what?" She exclaimed, clasping her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. It felt good to laugh.

"Well I tried." He paused for a moment and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"I may or may not have missed and fell on my arse. But then Ron tried! But er- he missed too." By this point Nell was howling in laughter beside to him. "It was Hermione who finally got him." He finished.

"Hermione?! As in our Hermione? Book worm, rule following Hermione?" Her laughing came to a halt as she stared at him in disbelief.

"Yep. She was furious, decked him square on the nose." He smiled half proudly and half embarrassed that he hadn't been the one to do it himself.

"Wow. Who knew she had it in her."

"I did." They both said at the same time and laughed. They did that a lot.

"What's funny?" A little head popped up from behind the sofa, grinning cheekily, with some sort of chocolate lining the outside of his mouth.

"You are!" Nell teased, pulling Lucas up and into her lap and ruffling his already messy hair. He giggled at the girl, taking no notice of the obvious gash running down her neck until he shuffled around to face her.

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