Chapter 24: Heights

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You guys are going to do great Nell, just breathe. And eat something too." Hermione assured her as she rubbed circles into the girl's back. The foursome sat at the Gryffindor table, well Nell with her head on the table and Harry looking like he was about to throw up.

"Yeah, there's no way you won't win." Ron joined in, trying to ease the pair's growing nerves. It was the morning of the final Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match which would determine who won the Quidditch House Cup - so it was safe to say Harry and Nell were a mess.

It had been a good few weeks since Nell's run in with Professor Trelawny so it thankfully wasn't occupying her thoughts anymore, leaving her mind clear for the match. That didn't mean she was any less nervous though.

"You don't know that. Hufflepuff has a really good new seeker this year - Cedric Diggory I think. From what I've heard he's amazing." Harry mumbled solemnly, bringing a small spoonful of cereal to his mouth at Hermione's request.

Nell felt herself blush slightly at the mention of the Hufflepuff boy's name and was all of a sudden very thankful no one could see her face.

"Potter and Lupin-Black have won the cup and the crowd goes wild!" A familiar voice bellowed causing Nell and Harry's heads to snap towards the other end of the hall where their fathers could be seen rushing towards them - dressed head to toe in red and gold.

"Dad? Pads? How did you get in here, I thought the parents were supposed to wait in the stands." Nell asked as her dads sat down beside her followed by James sitting beside Harry across from them.

"We have our ways mini Moonfoot, we have our ways." James replied for them, smirking and ruffling Harry's dark messy hair which matched his own.

"Moonfoot?" Ron interjected, tilting his head and looking at Nell, trying to figure out where the nickname could have come from.

As if it was the simplest thing in the world James pointed to Remus and said " Moony" then to Sirius "Padfoot" and lastly to Nell "Moonfoot" he concluded.

"Right." Ron nodded his head as if he had understood every word of what the man had just said.

"So these 'ways'. They don't happen to be the passages on the map?" Harry raised his eyebrows knowingly and looked between his father and Godfathers, forgetting that only two of the three knew he and Nell had the map.

"You gave them the map?!" Remus blurted out to his now very guilty looking husband and James who was glaring half playfully at his son.

"Yes, they did. And I told these two to hand it in but they wouldn't listen." Hermione added, pointing an accusing finger between Harry and Nell.

"Really Harry? You had to let Moony know?" James pouted.

"Er... sorry?" He shrugged his shoulders innocently before carrying on in a feeble attempt to change the subject before Remus could continue his scolding. "Where's mum and Lukey?"

"Oh well, she didn't exactly approve of the whole sneaking into school thing, so they're finding us some seats. Told me to wish you good luck though." James explained whilst grabbing some bacon off of the table and biting into the end of it.

"Not that you two need it!" Sirius piped in with a proud smile.

"I can't believe you gave them the map." Remus mumbled quietly to himself as the others continued to ramble on about the match. Although to Remus' surprise he was met with a kiss on the cheek from Sirius, "Sorry Moony, we were just too excited."

"Hmm." Remus tightened his lips into a thin line, trying to look stern but with one flash of his husband's infamous puppy dog eyes he knew he couldn't stay mad. A skill that their daughter - unfortunately for the men who as a result could never stay angry at her - had inherited from Sirius.

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