Chapter 5: Gifted

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The four friends stumbled down the stairs in a crowd of first years, flooding into the potions classroom, "Sit down." The monotone voice of Severus Snape forced them to their seats, Nell taking a place next to Harry with Ron and Hermione behind them.

The greasy haired Professors' eyes widened as he turned to face his students and his gaze settled on the two best friends, but only for a moment before his face set back to stone. A rush of anger and vengeance overcame him as he remembered the two's fathers who they so clearly resembled.

"Mr Potter I wonder if you could tell me for what purpose one would use Alihotsy Draught?" Hermione's hand flew up in air behind the confused boy, waving side to side frantically. The Professor moved closer to the boy's desk.

"I- I don't know sir." Harry looked at the table, wondering why he was being picked on so suddenly and how an earth he was supposed to know something like that in his first lesson.

The Professor smirked cruelly and looked to the girl, "Shame. How about you Miss Lupin?"

"Lupin-Black" the girl said under her breath, twiddling her fingers under the table, not liking everyone's eyes on her.

The man had realised his mistake regarding her name but certainly wasn't going to admit he was wrong, not to her, the daughter of the men he despised so greatly. The men who stole away the woman he had loved.
"Excuse me?"

"My name is Miss Lupin-Black, sir" she repeated, louder this time, and met the Professors hard stare with one of her own. He felt himself lose control as anger bubbled from within him.

"How dare you speak back to me girl, detention tomorrow evening." The girl's bottom lip trembled at the teacher's sudden outburst, she didn't think she'd been rude, she just wanted to make sure he knew her name.

Harry couldn't stop himself, what the Professor has done was entirely unfair and he wasn't going to let his friend deal with a punishment for absolutely no reason. "But sir, you got her name wrong, she was simply correcting your mistake."

Pupils watched silently from their seats as Harry defended his friend, terrified the Professor would turn on them next. So far they hadn't experienced such hostility from any of their teachers, they wondered why Professor Snape was so different and why was acting so cruelly towards the young children.

"That's detention for the both of you now, Mr Potter. I suggest you keep your mouths shut unless you feel earning another detention each." He turned away from them with an aggressive swish of his robe and returned to the front of the room.

Harry looked to his friend who was clearly upset by what had just happened. He struggled to fight the urge to protest their punishment any further but he knew it wouldn't do either of them any good. The two of them made sure to stay quiet for the rest of the lesson, and Snape seemed to leave them alone, satisfied with the punishment he had already given them.


"That was totally unfair!" The four of them made their way to the outdoor grounds for their next lesson as Ron and Hermione discussed the events of the previous class.

"He can't punish you two for that, you didn't do anything wrong! Slimy git." Ron protested.

Harry and Nell fell behind the other two as the girl slowed her pace, wanting a moment to speak to her friend alone. "I'm sorry for getting you in trouble Harry", she stared at her feet as they walked through the courtyard.

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