Chapter 28: Masked Faces

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"Padfoot go get the kids in would you?" James craned his neck round from the sofa to face Sirius, who had stood up to get himself another drink from the kitchen. Harry and Nell had gone out around ten minutes ago and it was probably time for them to head back seeing as it was getting late, but they still hadn't returned.

"On it." He said, swerving towards the tents door. The closer he got, the more he became aware of the growing noise outside. Noise that couldn't be heard over the scratchy record player further in the tent, so up until now he had been completely oblivious to what he assumed was the rioting celebrations of the Irish. How wrong he was.

His face paled the moment he pulled back the fabric of the door and his hand immediately snapped to his wand. But other than this instinctive movement, he found himself unable to move, his eyes fixed straight ahead into the field as harrowing images of his daughter and godson out there alone plagued his mind. Snapping back to reality, he forced himself to focus for the sake of his family. This was not a time to panic as much as his body wanted to collapse right then and there at the sight of familiar memories of the past repeating themselves.

"Remus, James come here." He said, his severe tone strained with urgency as his eyes remained on the ongoings outside.

"What is it mate?" James asked, completely oblivious to how in mere moments their entire world would change, dragging them back into the darkness of the past.

"Siri?" Remus added worriedly as his saw his husbands fallen face.

"Come here right now!" He shouted, pulling his wand out further. Without a second thought the two men rushed towards him, copying his action and bringing their own wands out to face whatever he had seen. Sensing the severity of the situation, Lily picked up a sleeping Lucas in her arms before reaching over to flick off the record. Her eyes widened with what followed.

The moment the needle came out of contact with the vinyl, the previously lulling tunes were replaced with screams and horrifyingly familiar chants melting through the thin fabric walls of the tent.

"It can't be." Remus breathed out, steadying himself on his husband as he saw what lay outside and his thoughts immediately drifted to his daughter. He had to force himself to not sprint out right that moment whilst screaming her name, they needed a plan.

"No. No. This can't be happening." James voice shook much like his grip on his wand which he now held defensively in front of him. By now Lily had joined them at the door and peered out from behind James, her face turning ghostly white and her grip tightening on her son as she saw them.

"Lily get Lucas and yourself out of here. We need to find Harry and Nell." James ordered, regaining himself from the shock and now having only one thing on his mind. The other two men still remained their, frozen in place, trying to process what had begun. Or what had

"What? No! They're- they're out there! We need to find them!" Lily struggled to suppress a sob as the screams outside grew louder. The screams that could very easily belong to their children.

"Mummy?" Lucas raised his droopy head off of her shoulder, his eyes widening in fear as he heard the screaming and saw his mothers teary eyes. As soon as Lily heard his small trembling voice she composed herself, her fear becoming irrelevant and being replaced with a fierce desire to protect her children. For now, as much as it pained her to admit, she couldn't do that for Harry or Nell, so she had to stay strong for the one child she could be there for.

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