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Song for Shawn <3 because here in the U.S.A i don't think our troops get enough love and support for all they do for us.

Remember guys, freedom doesn't come free


Shawn's Pov

We were at a coming home party at Mari's new restaurant which would have its grand opening tomorrow and I couldn't be more proud of my beautiful wife, I gave her the money she needed to start it up but she was the one who brought it to life and she deserved it, she worked so hard and gave up her career for a couple years to stay home with Collin and raise Lalexia and be a single mom when I was away.

It was her turn to stop being the one to have to sacrifice everything and finally get what she wants and deserves. Lalexia wouldn't leave my side which made me happy both because she's my princess and because little Nick won't come within twenty feet of her when she's near me, kissing my daughter, that's not going to happen ever again.

She's not allowed to date until, well never.

If we thought Mari was having a hard time with her growing up, I was ten times worse.

Marla came in holding Ed's hand with a little baby in her arms and they both gave me a hug, Ed and I became alright right around the time he married Marla, you could still tell when they were around each other that there was history there, they were still a little more affectionate than just friends but I wasn't threatened by it like I used to be.

She was my wife, the mother of my children and Marla was the same for him.

When Marla got pregnant neither girls could believe it, she was told she couldn't have any and Ed was with her through losing one and they tried again and now we have Miss. Kia, she was such a sweet child and I missed when Collin was that little, Marla put her down and the three year old waddled over to Gwen.

Kids were everywhere but none of us minded. My whole unit was welcomed here as well as their families and Mari refused to accept any money for their food as she bounced back and forth from the kitchen to the front and there was something so attractive about that to me.

When she came back out I snatched her back up and wrapped my arms around her rounded belly.

I can't believe she's pregnant again; I love it when she's pregnant. It's not like she was on birth control, we weren't planning for a baby but we weren't against one either, it seems if I were to look at her sexually she would get pregnant though, my swimmers were just that good I guess.

"After my next deployment I want another one" I whispered in her ear and she shook her head

"Three is enough." She laughed and I shook my head this time

"Nope, I want to be home for your whole pregnancy, I hate that I missed five months of it and plus, I think we need another girl." I looked over at Lalexia and Nick was all over her now that she was away from me.

A whistle broke through the room and everyone looked at Nick.

"You're pushing it Junior." Nick told him and winked at me and Nick removed his hands from Lex, she sent me a very annoyed look but I didn't care, friends I can handle but his hand was entirely too low on her back.

I'm not stupid, he's going to try something but she's only thirteen years old and he can wait and when he can man up and talk to me and ask if he can date her then we can talk. He's only a boy and that's fine, he'll grow up and I'm thinking he'll be a good man too with the way Stephanie and Nick raise him and if he is, he will get my permission, maybe.

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