[Chapter Fifty-Five] Mari

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Happy Valentines day ladies and gents. <3

Chapter Fifty-Five – Mari

I can’t believe he said that and what I couldn’t believe even more was how I react to it or at least how my body did. My heart felt like it skipped a beat and I had to bite down hard onto his shoulder as I screamed when I got my release and then I couldn’t stop. I clung to him and he hissed in pain when I bit harder and dug my nails deeper into his back.

My eyes rolled back as I tried really hard to breathe though this and my body became nearly unbearably sensitive and when it all finally stopped I just let go of him and fell back on the bed and he slowly pulled out of me. I gasped for air and he stroked my hair to relax me while I caught my breath.

When I opened my eyes he was gazing down at me and I couldn’t look away from him right now, he said it and there was no way to take it back now, and I felt like panicking. His lips met mine softly

“I’m not backing out Mari, I love you and I want us to be a family. Not just the three of us, all four. I know that you’re not ready but I need you to know I love you.” my eyes widened and I just stared at him and he smiled sadly and I felt guilt settle deep within me.

I know he was hoping that I would say it back but I just couldn’t.

I pushed him off me and he rolled to the side while I got up and started looking for some clothes, I felt too god damn exposed right now and I was definitely panicking right now and I struggled to pull shorts on and his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me back against his chest.

“Don’t.” I whispered

“No, you don’t. You had to have seen that coming Mari.”

“Please don’t.” i begged

“I love you, I love you so much. You make me feel again; you make the bad seem bearable you take care of me and I love taking care of you.” I pulled away from him and pulled a baggy shirt on and he just watched me carefully

“Please just stop.” I pleaded with him, I didn’t want to hurt him but I didn’t love him, I don’t even know what love was. I loved my child which was different than how I would love him. I had no relationships to compare this to; I didn’t have love growing up. I don’t even know if I’m capable of loving someone else in the way he wants.

“No.” he stepped towards me and I stepped away but he advanced again and grabbed me, his hand gripped the back of my neck as he kissed me and like always I pressed my lips back to his eagerly. My chest was pressed to his and he sighed before he pulled away.

“I won’t hide my feelings for you because it would be convenient, I won’t stop myself from telling you that I love you when I want to and I won’t take a step back because you’re scared. I’m a patient man with you and I can wait until you love me too.” This is what I loved and hated about him.

“I won’t ask you too, just give me some time.” I needed time, I needed to figure out my emotions and I when I felt that way for him I needed to be sure when I said it.

“Always.” He pulled me closer and my cheek rested against his chest while he kissed the top of my head

“I wish that you would let me give you everything you deserved and let me take care of you, you’re far too stubborn.” He said and I smiled.

“It’s why you love me.” I tested those words out and he chuckled

“That’s true.” He gave me one last kiss before pulling a shirt over his head and I settled in bed while he unlocked the door and curled up with me.

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