[Chapter Sixty-Six] Shawn

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Love you guys, remember that. This Chapters for you amazing people who believe in me <3

Chapter Sixty-Six – Shawn

Marla’s been gone a couple weeks now and things were going great with us though I don’t know how long it will keep like that, Mari keeps finding apartments she likes and I keep finding something wrong with them, it’s not that I don’t want to move into one I just want to wait a few weeks first and she kept getting annoyed with me thinking I didn’t want to live with her.

Things were just about to change massively in the next week and a half, which is when the dinner was. I already asked Nick and Stephanie and they said they would watch her if Mari agreed to it and agreed to come with me.

I hoped she did.

Mari was at work and since it was the weekend Lex and I were at home and I felt like today could be the day.

“Hey Lex, want to help me with something?” I asked her and she perked up, she had been lying lazily on the couch bored out of her mind but didn’t actually want to do anything else.

“Like what?” she asked

“Like buying a present for mommy?” I asked her and she nodded, I got het dressed and I took her out, we pulled up to the store and Lex looked at the building curiously.

“What are you getting her?” she asked me and I kneeled down in front of her.

“I love your mommy very much, you know that right?” I asked and she nodded “And I also love you very much too princess.” I said and she smiled

“I love you too.” Her words were so sweet and I felt my heart warm at them

“Would it be okay with you if I asked her to marry me?” I asked Lex and her eyes lit up and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes!” she said excited

“Good, now do you want to help me pick out the ring?” I asked and she nodded again, I grabbed her hand and we went into the jewelry store, Marla had given me the size to buy and since she didn’t have parents to ask I got permission from Marla and now Lalexia.

I picked her up and walked around so she could look at all the rings in here.

“Mommy doesn’t like gold.” She said

“Silver than?” I asked and she nodded, I was more specifically going to get her white gold but to Lex it was just silver. She pointed one out and the guy let us look at it and Lex thought it would be perfect so I went with her word on it.

I was buying the engagement ring as is and thankfully it was in her size, Mari had I guess pretty normal sized fingers. Lex and I sat down with the guy and designed the band that would go with it which would take a little time to get in but as long as I had this one I was happy, the band would be a surprise.

I let her hold the bag as we got in the car and she was barley containing her excitement.

“When will you ask her?” she asked me

“Tomorrow.” Mari worked tomorrow in the morning and would be off I time and we could go out to lunch.

“Will I get to be there?” she asked me and she looked almost sad and worried I would say no.

“Of course, but you have to promise not to tell her, okay?” I asked and when we got back to the house she wrapped her pinkie with mime for a promise.

Though the night Lex did pretty well pretending there wasn’t a huge plan for tomorrow and I was relieved when she went to bed because I was worried she would accidently say something to give it away.

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