[Chapter Forty-Two] Shawn

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Chapter Forty-Two – Shawn

That night with her was perfect and I probably should have hid my feelings for her a little bit but I didn't want to. I didn't want to hide behind anything anymore I just wanted her and I wanted Lalexia in my life. I've never felt so strongly for two people and It kind of scared me but I was fighting with myself not to pull back.

If I pulled away I would lose her.

But I could, I could love her if she just let me in, hell maybe a part of me did already. she wasn't some happy go lucky person, she went through hell and did what she had to so she would survive, she left a younger sibling behind and hates herself for it and she chose a reckless job that isn't exactly ideal but it pays the bills.

I never had to worry about paying bills with all the money my grandparents left me, they gave me everything and my step-father hates that, but I understand and she's so annoying and irritating and makes me want to both kill her and kiss her at the same time.

She brings out the best and the worst in me and because of her I'm finally figuring my shit out. I just wanted this other guy to come so I can drag her back to my place and show her just who she belongs to all fucking weekend long.

Fuck, thinking about her with someone else makes my blood boil but I knew that it would be something I had to deal with, I can't just make her quit especially since it's the last time but I really wanted to.

She was curled up in my arms and I held her tight. I loved the feeling of her naked body against mine and I never wanted to let her go, I didn't want her to think about everything from tonight and bolt in the morning, which she probably would. She was like a skittish kitten backed into a corner right now.

I sighed and kissed her forehead and just closed my eyes to try to get some sleep while I could.

When I woke up the next morning she wasn't beside me and I felt a huge wave of disappointment wash over me, she was gone like I thought she would be. I reached over in my abandoned pants pocket until I found my phone and clicked my voicemail as I pulled on some boxers and started picking up the mess from last night.

"Hey, I'm sorry to disappear on you. Marla called and Lalexia fell and hurt her wrist and I had to take her to the doctor. If it's okay with you we can come back over with breakfast, well maybe lunch or go out, I don't know if you're okay with her being there though. I'll call you later when I know more and I would have just left a note but I have no idea where I would have put it so you would see it."  so she didn't just book it.

"Hey, me again, Damn I sound like a crazy stalker girlfriend or something. Well Lex did a number on her wrist but thankfully no full cast, just a brace though she's pretty mad about it. I'm not sure where I'm going after this so I'll try one more time after I get some ibuprofen for her and if not, I'll go home. " that voicemail ended and true to her last voicemail I got another phone call that I actually answered

"Good morning beautiful." I said and she groaned

"I need to know because she's getting hungry and I promised ice cream." She told me

"You're welcome over."

"Okay, I'll be there with some food in half hour, take a shower please and make sure the place isn't a mess, I did what I could but you were sleeping on most of it."

"Half hour, I can do that." I said and we hung up and that was how I spent the rest of my weekend. They stayed over for lunch and dinner before we took her out for ice cream and they both fell asleep at my place and it felt like a home for the first time. I had two beautiful girls curled up with me and this was how I wanted it every night. I was going soft but I think they were a pretty good reason to drop all the bullshit for.

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