[Chapter Thirty-Five] Mari

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the last update was so last year :) 
Okay, and i'm done with those crappy and unoriginal lines now :)

Chapter Thirty-Five – Mari

I woke up first the next morning and I blinked and after a couple minutes I assessed I was curled up against his side but the surprising part to me was we weren’t alone. Lex was nearly on top of him with her bear and blanket clutched tight in her hands. It was absolutely adorable. Her curls were wild and I grabbed my phone and couldn’t help but take a picture, it was too cute to pass up.

His arms were wrapped around us both and I very carefully slid out of bed to use the bathroom and when I came back he had both arms wrapped around her and she cuddled tighter against him so I took another one, again it was too cute to pass up.

Seeing your man with your child is the cutest sight pretty much ever.

Wait a minute; what the hell thought was that? He’s not my man!

His eyes opened and he yawned and looked down at Lex all wrapped up in his arms and I saw a smile grace his lips and yet another one taken at the perfect moment, I really, really couldn’t help myself.

Alright guys, let's hear it, what are your News Year resolutions...?

He looked over at me and for the first time he actually looked embarrassed or shy or something.

“Morning.” He said but he still hadn’t let go of her.

“Morning.” I slid back into bed and he opened his arms for me too and I thought about it but decided to just live a little and do it as I rested my head back onto his chest.

“I think I’m really growing on you.” he kissed my forehead

“Yeah I think you are too, too much.” I mumbled and he shook his head

“Well you’ve admitted you like me after that it’s less painful to admit.” He shrugged and I rolled my eyes

“Morning mommy.” Lalexia’s eyes opened slowly and she groaned and closed them again as she curled up again.

“Well, well my little one’s not a morning person today?” I asked and she shook her head and her bottom lip jutted out In a pouty face and I reached over to push her curls out of her face.

She usually loved mornings and would bug me to get out of bed but today she groaned

“I don’t feel so good mommy.” She opened her eyes again and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

“Oh baby, what’s wrong?” I was up now and I felt her forehead and she was warm. Shawn passed her over to me and I held her tight and she buried her face into my neck. Shawn turned towards us and wrapped his arms around us again

“What’s wrong sweetie?” he asked looking concerned

“Not feel good.” She mumbled and I kissed her warm forehead.

“Can you take care of her a minute; I have to call her into school.” I said skeptically “Or if you want you can go.” I said

“Your car’s still at my place.” He pointed out and I looked at her, I didn’t want to take her out of the house right now but if I had to

“I guess I can get her in the car.” She groaned in protest

“No it’s fine. I didn’t have any plans today and you can go and call her in.” he told me and I nodded and made the couple minute call and came back in to find her asleep again on him

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