[Chapter Fifty-Three] Mari

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So you'll find out the gender of the baby in this chapter.
what are the thoughts on what it's going to be!?

p.s Who thinks Marla's a bitch?

Chapter Fifty-Three – Mari

I didn’t even know what to say to her at that point, what she did was uncalled for and it obviously offended and pissed Shawn off as well as me, but more so him. I could understand why she did it but that didn’t mean I approved of it.

She was lucky I didn’t smack her; my emotions are seriously fucked up. I had no idea what to do so I stared at her saying nothing and she broke down with one apology after another about how it was a stupid idea, no fucking kidding.

If Shawn didn’t want to be with me then he wouldn’t be. It was that simple with him.

He would be around but he wouldn’t be with me and he wouldn’t be pushing so hard for more between us if he didn’t want to be with me, he simply wouldn’t waste his time and energy on it.

“If you touch him again I’ll kick your ass and we will no longer be friends or roommates.”

“Got it. I promise I’m not into him, things with Ed and I are actually going, well Shawn and Mari well.” She smiled and I was mad at her but I couldn’t help but be happy for her too, they were both good people and I rolled my eyes at her description of well.

“You like him?” I asked and she nodded

“I mean, I may just be being stupid though, I’m assuming you know how he usually is and maybe it’s just that he’s not an asshole and it’s probably all one sided but it makes me look forward to when he’s around.” Ah, the girlfriend experience, she doesn’t know him like I do so she could very well be misreading things but she could not, I don’t know. It’s not like I sit there and watch them to see what’s different.

“I don’t know Marla, I guess wait it out.” Was all I could suggest to her and she nodded.

“I’ll let you be in peace now.” She said before nearly bolting out the door and I just sighed and leaned back into the water until it went cold for a second time and I got out and put some sweats on.

God, we haven’t been together long and I was already getting lazy with sweat pants and I was fat and unattractive since I looked like a damn hippo and he was going to think I was hideous.

Stupid fucking hormones, I was never uncomfortable in my own body like this before and it’s not like he even gave me a reason to be but with Lex there was no guy in my life so I didn’t care how I looked but now I just feel like maybe he’s not going to want to be with me anymore.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I didn’t realize I was crying, he crouched in front of me and took my face in his hands

“I’m so fat.” I complained and he sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap

“You’re not fat you’re pregnant sweetheart and I think you’re beautiful.” I shook my head and he kissed my shoulder

“No, I’m hideous and gross and my body’s terrible and.”

“Please don’t do this; you know I’m not good with this kind of stuff. I love this,” he put his hand on my stomach and I shook my head “Yes I do, that’s my baby and it’s so damn sexy looking at you and seeing you pregnant with my child. Please don’t cry, it’s going to be okay.” He held me and I buried my face into his neck.

I was so irrational.

“I hate feeling this way,” I mumbled “Nothing fits anymore.”

“Well before your appointment I’ll take you to get some new clothes and then we’ll go get Lex from school and we’ll go together.”

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