[Chapter Four] Shawn

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Dior Goodjohn Lalexia on the side 

Chapter Four – Shawn

I was beyond pissed off. I went to the doctor to get my check-up done and they still couldn't give me the all clear for my fucking arm. It had been healing but it wasn't healed enough and I was getting more out of shape every day I couldn't work out.

I needed to be able to do push-ups for my PT test and without them clearing me I was stuck pissing around longer. I already had a long way to go before I could be deployed again but what set me off was them telling me I should do counseling, I didn't fucking need it.

I stormed out of there and grabbed my phone to see if the whore could make herself free tonight to meet me and I guess I was in luck. I would have liked her there immediately but she couldn't come for a few hours so I spent that time running. I usually ran at night when I couldn't sleep.

I was panting when I got back; I should probably quite smoking again, a bad habit I took back up when I got put on medical leave.

I went home and ignoring my doctors' orders, tried some push-ups which only made me angrier when it fucking hurt. I could take pain but this was almost unbearable.

I showered and grabbed something before heading to the hotel, this was becoming very inconvenient and if I kept seeing her I would have to figure something else out.

If I wanted her to meet me at my place I would have to either drive her on base which I didn't want to do because then she couldn't just leave after, or I would have to get her a pass and I don't think she wants me knowing all that shit about her, not that I care what her last name is or where she lives.

I brought her in the room and I think I liked the jeans better, made her look like a normal person. I was so worked up I went to smoke to calm down and told her to be ready when I got back and she didn't disappoint. I yanked my pants off and thrust into her not giving a damn if I was too rough or not. She moaned louder the rougher I fucked her and it was so damn hot to hear, another added bonus.

When she tried to put her hands up my shirt I snapped. I pinned her hands down so she couldn't touch me or feel the scars I had and then all I could hear was gunshots around me. I barley registered she said my name before I found my release and everything came back when she pushed me off of her and fumbled around with her clothes.

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked her

"Leaving." She clipped her bra into place and was going for her shirt

"I'm not done." I got up from the bed, I was fucking paying her and she would leave when I said she could leave.

"Yeah well when you don't follow the rules you lose the right to decide when you're done." She yanked her arm and I didn't even realize I grabbed her arm

"What?" I asked confused, what fucking rules didn't I follow. She shoved her wrists in front of my face angrily

"I said no fucking bruises and I gave you the damn condoms which you didn't use." Shit, I completely forgot about those, I looked to see the box on the bed and sighed and grabber her hands to look at her wrists, I actually did feel bad about that.

"I'm sorry I forgot to put the condom on I promise it won't happen again and I'm sorry for hurting you. I'd like to say it won't happen again but I can't promise that, but I will be more careful." I can't promise her I won't snap again because it's likely I probably will.

"Did you just say you were sorry?" she asked shocked and maybe slightly amused

"Yes, and you know if I say it I do mean it." I never apologize for my actions, she should feel lucky.

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