[Chapter Twenty-Two] Shawn

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Chapter Twenty-Two – Shawn

I was highly annoyed with her and if that’s how she wanted it than fine. The next day when she came over it was like old times.

“Clothes off and be ready in bed.” I told her and her eyes widened and she went to say something but I went out to smoke a cigarette, something I haven’t done much of the past couple weeks. I took my last drag and tossed it, letting out the smoke as I walked into the house. I pulled my clothes off and she handed me the box.

I rolled the condom on and I pushed into her not checking to see if she really was ready. I fucked her hard until I came and then pulled out and tossed the condom in the trash.

It was weird going back to this but I was pissed at her right now and I didn’t give a shit. I guess I was a heartless dick and I don’t know why I thought it could ever be different.

“Are you okay?” she asked lowly and I nodded but I didn’t want her fucking concern, it only pissed me off more.

“I’m fine.” I was short with her as I laid there waiting to recover

“Are you-”

“Just get on your fucking hands and knees” I told her and she shut up and did as I told her like the good whore she was and I fucked her a couple more times.

She just laid there in the ways I asked letting me use her body and she said nothing. She didn’t make a noise, she didn’t moan, she didn’t ask me not to stop, she just stayed on her hands and knees and I could tell she wasn’t into it but she also didn’t protest.

She was usually so fucking wet but as I thrust into her for a third and final round that was becoming less and less and when I came I realized she wasn’t wet at all and I did feel kind of bad, it must have hurt her but she again said nothing.

She stayed relaxed on my bed but wouldn’t look at me and I was stuck with how different this was from yesterday when I was pretty much begging her to stay with me longer, when she was hot, horny and pressed against me as I held her. I pulled on boxers before grabbing my pack again to try to get that shit out of my mind.

I didn’t do that, I wasn’t the kind of guy to need a woman or desperately want one. I wasn’t the kind that wanted to cuddle and I sure as hell didn’t develop emotions for them let alone a call girl but here I was and I mentally squashed that shit.

“Money’s on the dresser, take what I owe you and you can go.” I turned my back on her to go and smoke. I took my time not read to go back in because these were the worst terms for her to leave on.

I knew her job bothered her and I tried to treat her with respect and it got me no where.

 When I came back in she was dressed and the money was still sitting there so I went over and grabbed the cash, she was only here an hour so I counted out the money and handed it over to her but she wouldn’t take it.

“Don’t bother.” She tossed a wad of cash on the bed

“What’s this?” I picked it up annoyed yet again.

“I took the money you owed me but I don’t want your fucking pity money.” She grabbed her bag angrily. She was pissed I paid her yesterday?

“I owed you for sleeping over and the sex I didn’t pay for.”

“I said to keep your fucking money.” She snapped at me and then composed herself again.

“Yeah well this is how you wanted things.” I told her and she looked hurt and upset with me but as quick as I saw that it was gone and replaced by the polite yet blank face we started with.

“Exactly Mr. Sorci so you can call me within the allotted hours and fuck me like the whore you never fail to point out that I am.” There was no emotion in her voice or on her face as she turned away and left and it was so fucking hard for me not to call her back so that I could fix it and make sure I got her off too.

I always thought it wouldn’t matter if she was into it or not and I suppose if I got off it really didn’t but I was used to her little mews of pleasure and how she took that out on my skin. It was a turn on knowing that I made her feel that fucking good and now that was gone but I had to force myself not to care.

She was a whore and I was paying her and that’s how it had to be.

I had to push aside meeting her daughter and how much I adored her, the food she cooked, how good it felt sleeping with her and the amazing sex we had yesterday as she really let go.

The hardest to push aside was how she fell asleep in my arms as Lalexia cuddled up to her while we watched How To Train Your Dragon. She trusted me around her daughter and she trusted me not to harm them and they both fell asleep.

They both trusted me and that was the most dangerous thought because a family should be out of the question for me and I really couldn’t afford to entertain the thought of ever having that for myself.

None of that was allowed to matter anymore because that shit just complicated everything. I grabbed a beer and took a drink, not having therapy until tomorrow and not really wanting to deal with the fucking emotions I was feeling and I sat down to watch some television which bored me so I went for another run until I ran too much and I could barely breathe and then I ran back to shower and go to bed.

I remembered the look on her face when she left and I don’t know the last time I slept as terribly as I did that night.

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