[Chapter Thirty-One] Mari

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Chapter Thirty-One – Mari

I didn’t believe him for a second, he could never keep it in his pants for more than an hour and if we were in bed together tonight he wouldn’t be able to resist.

“So what’s your real first name or is Mari it?” he asked me and I bit my lip and thought about lying about that but it felt wrong when he’s been so honest. Even when I asked how he lived he told me he killed him then said he didn’t want to talk about it.

“It is now.” I told him and he looked at me curiously

“What?” he asked and I blew out a breath, I’ve never told anyone this; not even Marla knows.

“Mari is my legal first name now. I changed it.” I told him

“Because you wanted to distance yourself from them?” he asked and I nodded

“Yes and to hopefully make it harder to be found; there were a lot of people looking for me and I was paranoid that someone would hear my name and say something. I thought at the time I was like the only person who ran away and I thought the world would be looking.”

“What was your name?” he asked

“Josephine.” I told him

“Lex’s middle name?” he asked me and I nodded

“It was a moment of weakness and I wanted her to have a true piece of me, a name that meant something and Mari was one I had chosen, Josephine was the one I was born with.”

“Did you change your last name?” he asked and I nodded again

“Yes, and my middle name too.”

“What were those, hell what is your middle name?” he asked and I shook my head

“Maybe I’ll tell you one day.”

“Mines Peyton.” He told me

“Shawn Payton Sorci.” I said it and he nodded “It’s a good name.”  I told him because I didn’t know what else to really say

“How did you get so good at cooking?” he wondered as he took another bite of steak, his almost gone.

“My mom was the typical house wife and that’s where my place was supposedly so I learned since I was little and the rest is practice and just cooking almost every day.” My mom wanted me to be like her and find a nice controlling man to take away anything unique about me and she was going to make sure I knew how to cook for him.

They were ridiculous.

“Yeah well maybe you should try to make a career out of it.” he said and he was being pushy on that, he was just a pushy person in general.

“Can’t we just skip all this and jump to the sex?” I asked getting frustrated and he smirked

“I already told you I’m not having sex with you tonight.” He finished his food and I picked up the plates and did the dishes to busy myself with something and then I cleaned up the kitchen and started baking some chocolate chip cookies.

“Do you always cook this much?” he asked

“Yes. It keeps me calm.” I said as I finished it quickly and put them in the oven and then started doing those dishes.

He wrapped his arms around me so he could take my hands off the dishes

“Stop and relax.” He said as he pulled me away from there and pulled me into his room, I shivered when he pulled my shirt off painfully slow and he teased me as he pulled my pants off and then expertly unclipped my bra

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