[Chapter Twenty-Four] Shawn

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Chapter Twenty-Four – Shawn

I’m pretty sure I would die before the night was over because she was fucking furious.

“You son of a bitch I told you I didn’t want to. What the hell is going to happen to my daughter if I get arrested?” she was screaming and I was just kind of in shock. I didn’t think this would happen, how could I have known this would happen?

I needed to start talking and talking fast to fix this mess I created and because the handcuffs were fucking killing my arms and I was starting to feel panicked like this with men having guns around us.

They pushed me against the car and went to search me

“I have weapons on me.” I figured I should let them know and they looked at me like I was ready to attack.

“Where and what?” he asked on edge and I rolled my eyes which probably didn’t help

“Calm down if I wanted to shoot you I could have already. Knife in my pocket and gun in the pack of my jeans and yes I can legally have it and yes it is registered.” They took both and I winced when my arm started throbbing.

“I need to verify that.”

“Wallets in my ass pocket and so is the permit.” His eyes went to me when he saw my Military I.D as most cops did.

“Army.” He said and I cocked an eye brow


“How long?”

“Nine so far.” I took a deep breath because I was going to lose it soon and I don’t think that would be helpful in this situation.

“And what’s it going to do when this goes on your record?” he smirked and I glared down at him

“It won’t.” I told him confidently and I looked at Mari who looked uncomfortable and close to tears and the way those men were looking at her made me furious with them and myself. The only reason she was in this situation is because of me and I kept an eye on every move from those dicks because if they laid one fucking hand on her we were going to have a big problem.

“You and candy over there were caught in the act, a lot of money for a hooker.” He said and I advanced towards him

“Shawn don’t.” she said and I halted

“You owe her some fucking respect and the way you’re looking up her fucking skirt is a fucking problem and you can bet you will be hearing from me.”

“Respect a prostitute?” this douche was going to get his head bashed through his own window

“Shawn think of your career, don’t.” she said when I stepped towards him again

“His career’s going to be over after this.”

“Just fucking try; go ahead because I will have your ass for this.” I threatened, I don’t know if I could follow through but I will not let him ruin my name and taint all I’ve done.

“She has no record.” One guy told this guy

“Of course she doesn’t because she isn’t a prostitute and is there a fucking crime in role playing with your girlfriend?” I asked and she clenched her jaw but said nothing.

“Nice try.” Cocky dick

“I have nothing to prove to you.”

“Why pay her?” he asked

“Because you typically pay a prostitute, it makes it more authentic.”

“What’s her name?” he asked


“Last name?”

“Hansen.” I remembered from her saying Lalexia’s full name he asked me questions and it finally seemed he was getting it. She was a call girl but hey, he didn’t need to know that.

“How did you meet her?” he asked and the questions were getting plainly stupid

“I hired her to cook for Me.” hell, I’d like to at least.

I looked over at her and she looked miserable and angry and I just wanted them to take the cuffs off so she could cover up and get home to Lex.

“Are we done here because I’ve seen those men inappropriately touch her three times and it’s a fucking problem.” I winced in pain when he pushed me against the car and I closed my eyes to take a deep breath before he pressed harder on my arm

“There is no fucking reason for that! Let go of him.” Mari yelled and he finally let up.

“Don’t touch her.” I hissed when the other cop ran a hand up her arm.

“Dude I would just let her go.” the third one came back

“What why?”

“She’s the chief’s niece.” He showed him a paper and she adverted my eyes when I looked at her.

“You let us go and I promise I won’t say a word about it to him. This is a misunderstanding got out of hand.” She looked at them and with a few more words with her they let us both go. I put my jacket around her and looked at her curiously.

“Chief’s niece?” I asked

“Not anymore.” She mumbled and walked over to her car and not caring we were outside she took her shirt off and put a different one on and then slid into her jeans

“What does that mean?” I asked

“It means I have a past and secrets and you aren’t apart of them just like I’m not a part of yours. Would you stay the fuck out of my personal life? What the hell is your problem you’ve had no problem screwing me and telling me to leave these last times so let’s just stick with that.” She got in her car, slammed the door and left and I was left standing there.

I felt like crap for putting her through that and those cops were creeps and I didn’t even get to properly apologize.

For the next week she didn’t come over and i sent her a text asking if she was but I didn’t get a response. I thought about what she had said and she was right, it was none of my business but I really wanted it to be.

I hated how I’d been treating her because even in a short time she wasn’t just some hooker she was a person and our line from professional to personal had certainly blurred.

After a week and a half passed I decided I needed to at least go and tell her sorry so I knocked on the door and when she swung it open her smile fell

“Mommy is that Auntie Marla?” Lalexia ran to the door

“No baby, I’ll be right in.” she tried to block the door but Lex came over to see who it was anyway and she smiled and wrapped her arms around my stomach

“Shawn!” she smiled up at me “Are you staying for dinner” she asked and I kneeled down

“No sweetie I just had to talk to your mom. Have you don’t your homework yet?” I asked and she frowned

“No.” she admitted

“Well you don’t want to get behind. Go on.” I smiled at her and she gave me a hug and ran back into the house and she glared as I stood up

“You have no right to be here.” She told me

“I know. I just needed to talk to you. Will you please come over tomorrow night?” I asked

“No, I’m done with that and you.”

“I know, just to talk without little ears.” I said and she shut the door a little more

“I don’t care what you have to say.”

“I know but I’m asking anyway. I don’t want to have this conversation here.”

“Fine.” She said and then shut the door, leaving me standing there.  

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