[Chapter Thirty-Two] Shawn

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Chapter Thirty-Two – Shawn

She was cute as she fell asleep, resting her head in my lap and I could get used to this.

I picked her up and brought her to bed and set an alarm for her so she wouldn’t be late picking up Lalexia but I have to say I was not excited to see her go, she was right when she said I was growing attached to her but I couldn’t bring myself to really care.

I was growing on her, I knew that and she knew that.

She curled up closer and I held onto her content and closed my eyes to drift off to sleep only to be woken up later by the alarm and I was regretting setting it as she rolled out of my arms to grab for her phone only to realize it was mine.

I groaned and smacked it until I hit it right and it went off, my phone’s lucky I didn’t throw it across the fucking room.

“No.” I mumbled and yanked her back to me and I heard her curse as she smacked into my chest

“I have to get up.” She said and I held tighter

“I’m tired, shush.” I said to her and she poked my side making me squirm and out of nowhere she fucking tickled me and I fell off the damn bed and thankfully landed on my back.

“Shit, you okay?” she asked amused

“Maybe I should deploy again, that seems safer than a weekend with you.” I sighed as I just laid there and she got off the bed and leaned down next to me, kissing me gently.

“I’m sorry.” She said and I grabbed her again and pulled the blankets over us

“Shawn.” She protested

“You owe me now.” I said and she groaned and looked up at the clock, I didn’t set alarms on that because I’m less likely to break my phone, I love to throw clocks against the wall, one less of those horrid things in the in the world.

But I needed my phone, kind of; I’ve broken like six, since I’ve been on medical leave.

“If you let me go I’ll make you breakfast.” She said and I thought about it

“Not a good enough reason to let you go.” I cuddled her harder and she sighed

“Fine, if you let me go now I’ll let you come to the movie and if you’re good I’ll let you stay for dinner.” I cracked an eye opened and stared at her

“Promise?” I asked and she sighed

“Yes but I need to pick her up in like fifteen minutes.” She looked and I didn’t realize that it was so late; I can’t even remember what time I set the alarm for honestly.

“Deal.” I let her go and she dashed to get dressed and I threw on jeans and a t-shirt while she brushed her hair and added a tiny bit of make-up. I liked this girl, ready in ten minutes.

We got in my car and I think she was too distracted to realize she left her car here as she told me how to get to the place Lex was staying. She knocked on the door and there was a lot of yelling from inside and a small brunette opened the door. She was tan and I looked her over and she wasn’t bad, her breasts were definitely fake, but other than that she looked alright.

“Hey girl, did you have a nice night?” she asked her

“Nice weekend actually.” I said and her eyes darted to mine before they widened in shock

“You stayed the weekend?” she asked Mari

“Yeah.” She said slowly, extending the word

“Hm.” Was all her friend said and she looked me over, not in a sexual way more in a she was trying to assess me and try to figure me out.

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