[Chapter Sixty-One] Mari

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Chapter Sixty-One – Mari

I sat with my back to the wall beside the door as I listened to them. He had gone to her and I was a little upset seeing him in her bed until I heard him talk. I wasn't mad that he left me after I had fallen asleep, I was proud and happy and touched that he cared enough to check on her too.

I know they had their problems and they tried even harder to avoid each other and not to have any kind of friendly contact because I knew what they had done but honestly, I wasn't even mad about it anymore. I over reacted when I found out and I was more mad they kept it from me.

I wanted them to get along because they were both important to me and if they were friends I didn't care, I trusted him and I trusted her, Ed and I were the ones that didn't deserve their trust and if Shawn could look past it then he deserved me to trust him too.

Sure it hurt that he had wanted to hurt me at that time but I didn't blame him after I disappeared. I needed to tell her about Ed and California before she left, I couldn't have that kind of secret from her and I heard it from Shawn when I would have rather heard it from her and it was hypocritical to not tell her when I got mad for them not telling me.

I heard her open up about her past and I listened to Shawn talk about his life as a child, them talking about things we never even talked about.

When I heard them stop talking I figured one of them had fallen asleep so before one of them could catch me spying I quietly got up and went back to bed. Ten minutes later Shawn climbed into bed with me and I sighed.

He was making it so hard not to fall in love with him.

"Goodnight baby, I love you." he whispered and I don't know if he knew I was awake but soon I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning he was showered and sitting on the edge of the bed, I reached for him and he jumped before looking at me and as soon as he saw me he smiled.

"Morning." He said softly as he gently touched my face and kissed me.

"Morning, what's wrong?" I yawned and he helped me sit up, my stomach was getting bigger pretty much by the minute.

"I just, I need to tell you something." He said and my heart dropped

"What?" I asked

"I, after you fell asleep I went to see Marla, it's not like we did anything but I just wanted to make sure she was okay, I curled up with her and I let her cry and we talked until she fell asleep. I just, nothing happened I just wanted to tell you." he said and I smiled slightly. Oh it was just that.

"I know, but thank you for telling me." I said and he looked at me skeptically.

"You know?" he asked me

"I woke up when you left and went to see where you went. I didn't mean to spy but I was just listening to you too. I'm not mad or anything, thank you for checking on her and thank you for being honest with me." I was glad he told me, I knew there was nothing to hide. I knew they didn't do anything.

"Oh." He said and I sighed

"You and Marla and that night are well in the past, I trust you and I trust her. I'm not going to be mad if your friends and I'm not going to think you're cheating on me if you're a friend to her. I love that you cared enough to check on her, it was sweet and it's one of the many things that I love about you." and I knew what I needed to do now.

I called Beth while he was at work and I got the numbers for his two closest friends and I called them, they were obviously working but they called me back and agreed to come over for dinner that night, wife, boyfriend and kids welcome as well so Lex had someone to play with and it wasn't boring  adult time.

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