[Chapter Twenty-Six] Shawn

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Chapter Twenty-Six – Shawn

Well she was still here and was making dinner so I was happy; this went better than I thought. I figured she would slap me and leave about five seconds after I apologized.

I didn't give up easily and I wanted her. I had decided to stop being a dick and try to get her to go on a real damn date with me.

We went to the commissary and she looked a little uncomfortable as we went through the aisles

"Calm down no one's going to attack." I teased and she sent me an unamused look as she grabbed random things

"I'll write down how to make French toast, maybe you'll be able to make it in the morning." I would prefer If she was here to make it in the morning but I wasn't about to push it.

"Okay." I said as she grabbed things for dinner.

"I can make a few things tonight for you to freeze or reheat later if you would like." She offered.

"That would be awesome." She grabbed more stuff and tossed it in the cart.

"I've been grabbing organic and the higher quality, do you want me to get the cheaper stuff?" She asked suddenly "It's just Lex doesn't do well with all the added crap I always buy the good stuff."

"No, this is fine." she really under estimated the amount of money i had.

"Aren't you embarrassed about having me on base with who I am?" she asked and I frowned over at her

"No, I'm not. A lot of the girls brought on here are sluts but at least you have a good reason and are upfront about what you do. Barracks bunnies love to try to squeeze any of us for all the money they think  we make" I've seen a lot of guys bringing in multiple girls and sure they have needs, we all do and that's why I hired her but I knew her profession, there were never lies involved with it.

i was willing to pay for no diseases, i can't even count the number of people i've seen on this base who caught them because of taking home cheap girls. Not that all the girls were, i have buddies who found great girls but those were slim.

She nodded and we shopped in silence for a while and then we went up to pay, I showed I.D and paid and we grabbed the bags.

"Wait." She said before we left

"What?" I asked

"I got stuff I would cook at my place, do you have pans?" she asked me and I went to tell her of course and then shut my mouth

"Um." I trailed off and we headed back inside and I let her pick any dishes I may need for my kitchen and it was a good thing I had a lot of money or I would be pretty screwed on it. I didn't realize how damn expensive a pan was.

We headed back to my place and she kicked me out of my own kitchen to put everything away and only allowed me back in when she was done and ready to cook and I watched.

Her movements were so sure and precise as she pulled out pans and boiled this and cut that and I was having a hard time keeping up just watching let alone if I had to be the one to cook.

"Why don't you look into a career in this?" I asked her and she shrugged

"I am but I'm not that good, it's just cooking for Lex and I most days."

"I beg to differ, your food is delicious. What are you making?" I wondered

"Pasta for dinner, you'll have some left over sauce to reheat all you would need to do is boil noodles, a couple different soups you can freeze and then baked pasta you can reheat the next couple days." She rambled off as she cooked

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