[Chapter Fifty-One] Mari

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Chapter Fifty-One – Mari

With Shawn over to much I wanted to take some time to spend with just Lex we took the day off and we went to a movie before going out to lunch while Shawn and Marla were both at work. I wanted to make sure she knows that I love her and with being pregnant and being with Shawn, that it hasn’t changed. I don’t want her to feel like she’s being pushed aside at all.

So when we got home I sat her down because I needed to talk to her and know how she feels on everything so I know if I need to change anything or spend less time with Shawn and more time with her or if I need to have Shawn stay at his place more so it’s just the two of us more often.

I missed having these days with her, we used to do it a lot more often but it was also kind of hard to take her to the park since it was the middle of winter and I didn’t want her falling or getting hurt or getting sick, I think things will be better as soon as it warms up enough to take her out more often.

“Where does your coas and shoes go?” I asked as soon as she kicked them off in the hall and tossed her coat on the ground and she smiled and fixed it, neatly hanging her coat up and putting her shoes with the other ones while I do the same.

“Mommy does your tummy hurt?” she asked me and I shook my head

“No, why would it?” I asked her as we went into the kitchen so I could make hot chocolate to warm us both back up.

“I don’t know, there’s a baby in there wouldn’t the hurt something?” she asked me and I smiled

“No sweetie, it’s okay. Do you want a little brother or sister?” I asked her

“Yes, then I’ll have someone to play with.” She was so excited about that

“You know that babies are little, they can’t talk or play like you can yet.” I pointed out

“I know but I would love my baby brother or sister, when will you know?” she was dying to know which type of sibling she was having, she really wanted a little sister and Shawn really wanted a boy and I just wanted a healthy baby.

Lex wanted a little sister to dress up and Shawn wanted a boy, he said that if we had a girl, she wasn’t ever allowed to grow up, she would wear baggy jeans, long dresses and turtle necks and if a boy tried to touch her then he would shoot him.

Typical dad stuff but I kind of wanted a girl because it would be like a lifetime of amusement. Two girls would be the ultimate fun in life with Shawn.

“Next week.” I can’t believe that five weeks have gone by since Shawn and I got back together, I can’t believe that I was already half way through this pregnancy. It was so surreal and strange.

“That’s so far away.” she complained and I handed her the hot chocolate.

“It’s not that far baby.”

“I’m not a baby.” She protested like she did every time.

“You were a baby once and will always be my baby.” Every time we went through this, she would never lose that, she was my first baby and will always be a baby in my eyes.

“But this is a baby, not me.” she put her hand on my stomach

“You’ll understand one day.” Was all I said on that, when she got older and when she had her own she would understand what I meant. She was about to be eight, I can’t believe how old she’s getting.

“What do you want to have?” she asked me

“I’m okay either way. Are you okay with all of this?” I tried to get onto the subject slowly.

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