[Chapter Twenty-Nine] Mari

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Chapter Twenty-Nine – Mari

I was on a on a lunch date right now after having unprotected sex with him on my living room floor.

Three more broken rules right there.

At this point there aren’t very many to break.

I guess since he wasn’t a client anymore it wasn’t as bad, and I was protected, we were clean and he’s been to my house before then Lex wasn’t actually home.

I could justify it but when it came down to it they were still rules that were broken.

The worst part was that I didn’t even really care. I was enjoying spending time with him, I was enjoying being able to do something for myself, being around someone who was honest and knew what I did and didn’t care.

“So where are you from?” he asked me and I frowned, we had to start there

“Where are you from?” I asked

“New York but not the city.” He told me and I frowned

“Louisiana.” I said with the heavy accent that I grew up with, it’s not bad anymore but when I say the name of the damn state it just pops out.

“Southern accent.” He commented and I nodded

“Yes, it’s usually very well hidden.” Except when I’m arguing with Lalexia. When I’m annoyed or angry it comes out and she finds that very amusing.

“Can I ask a personal question?” he asked and I raised a brow at him

“Usually all the ones you ask are and usually you don’t ask if you can ask them.” I took a bite of my food while he replied

“But I know this one you don’t like to talk about.”

“You can ask, I’m not promising I’ll answer and that means I get a personal question too.” I leaned forward and he stared me down.

“How did you end up here?” he asked me

“I ran away and hitch hiked until I ended up here.” I looked away, I hated thinking about it because that was my introduction to sex; raped beat up and dumped in a strange state while he left without even a concern for the fifteen year old girl he did it to.

“I know that, but why here, why run away?” he asked and I squirmed uncomfortably

“I was a problem child, I started drinking when I was twelve and while I never had sex while I lived at home I hung out with a lot of boys and my mom thought I did. She would try to bleach the sins from my body and I was starved, beaten, nearly drown and so I ran away and this is just where I ended up.”

“They tried to drown you?” he asked shocked

“Many times.” I looked away because I hated remembering it.

Who wants to remember the times where your mother, someone who’s supposed to love and care about you, tries to drown you.

I can still at times feel how the flesh of her hands felt as I dug my nails in trying to get her to let me go and she would let me up long enough to gasp for air before she pushed me back down again.

“I would have run away too. My step dad just beat the shit out of me every chance he got and my mother loves him so fucking much and refused to believe me.” he shared

“What happened on your last deployment, I don’t expect full in detail just an outline.” I asked and he sighed

“I guess that’s fair. We were driving, we were ambushed and we all got out fighting and there were more than we thought. We were all a very close unit and I saw one of my brothers get shot dead beside me, he has a wife and two kids. I got a few flesh wounds, and the major one and I was just told a bunch of things that I had done but don’t really remember until I’m sleeping and having nightmares about them.” he told me

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