[Chapter Forty-Three] Mari

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Chapter Forty-Three – Mari

Being with him, trusting him, wanting him around; it all felt right in a way nothing ever has, probably because I’ve never actually had a boyfriend or dated before but there was just something that stopped me. I thought I wanted it but it was like hitting an invisible wall.

He’s thrown everything out of my control and it’s like I don’t know where I stand anymore, I don’t know what I want, I don’t know when I’m going to hit my own wall and stop myself. I just don’t seem to know anything so I was going to just fake it and go with it until I figured it out.

We spent the next day in bed, we didn’t have sex again until that night, we just watched movies and curled up together, it was so couple like and I knew that but I was okay with it at the same time and at night we went at it again and again until neither of us could possibly do it again and we needed sleep.

He went with me to pick up Lex and I made sure to start laundry, after what we did in that bed I didn’t want Lex in it until the blankets were all cleaned. He stayed for dinner like always and stayed the night with me after I put Lex to bed.

It was a normal thing now but for some reason I just couldn’t commit to it, well it wasn’t some reason, it was blinding fear.

When I woke up the next morning Shawn wasn’t there and I went down stairs to see that he had made her some cereal and that she was dressed already.

“Well good morning.” I said a little irritated no one woke me up.

“Hi mommy!” Lex was energetic as ever

“I went to wake you up this morning and you were warm and didn’t want to get up so I just let you sleep.”

“I’m fine.” And as if scripted I started coughing and he raised a brow at me and I shrugged, it was starting to get cold, I always got a cough when it got cold.

“Go curl back up and I’ll take her to school.” He got up and wrapped his arms around me, he felt my forehead again and I frowned

“I’m fine, I’ve been a single mom my whole motherhood career, you have to just work through it.” I said and he sighed

“But I’m here now and can you please just let me help you? I’ll take her to school and warm up soup and go sleep a little longer before work. I need to you you’re okay before I go in.” he was being evaluated today by his therapist to be cleared or not for active and by his doctor.

I personally don’t understand why they didn’t medically discharge him, his wounds were bad but they put in the months it took to get him back.

He wouldn’t say anything other than he was irreplaceable which I found a little hard to believe, he may be good but there could always be someone else. He was keeping something from me and that was fine, it was his personal life.

“Fine.” I didn’t like stressing him out and I needed to go find some cough drops anyway. I curled back up and fell asleep as he took her to school and when I woke up he had soup.

“I made sure you had enough time to eat and get ready.” He kissed my forehead again and frowned again. I sniffled and groaned. My nose was stuffed and my head felt congested so I had to call in, I couldn’t go and make people food if I was sneezing and coughing all over it. Damn it.

“Just relax and try to feel better and maybe you can go in tomorrow.” My phone started ringing and I answered it.

“Hello, Miss. Hansen?”

“Yes?” I said cautiously

“I’m the nurse at your daughter’s school, her fever is over a hundred and she said she’s not feeling well, we’re required to send children home if their fever is this high.” She said politely and I wanted to scream, I didn’t need her sick again, she never got sick and not she’s sick twice in a month?

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