[Chapter Fifty-Eight] Shawn

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So many people have strong opinions about how i should write my book, maybe you should take that energy, come up with your own idea, and write your own, then it would give you something to do other than complain about mine.  XOXO

Picture on the side (or top if you're mobile) by PosyHawthorne

Chapter Fifty-Eight – Shawn

I was so happy to have her home, Lex and I went with Marla to the airport to pick her up and her face lit up seeing us. I know it was only a couple of days but I missed her so much and Lex missed her even more, she wasn't used to Mari being gone so often, though it really wasn't often but it was a lot for her.

We went home and Lex went on and on about her birthday, we were having her birthday at the gym with a bunch of her friends and the best part was that we didn't have to have them at the house and have that whole mess to deal with.

Mari would be making the food and cake and I think it would be fun, maybe mingle with some of the other parents a little bit? I know Mari feels lonely and that I drive her nuts since she doesn't really hang out with anyone else.

When we got home things were alright, Mari was quiet and it was like the tables turning from the other week when it was her that was waiting for an opportunity to talk to me and figure out what was wrong, I let her just be until Lex went to bed and she sighed but gestured for me to follow her to our room.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her and she looked down and wouldn't meet my eye and I felt a weight in my stomach. "What happened?" I asked her skeptically. 

"I'm so sorry." She whispered and she had tears in her eyes and I knew exactly what this had to do with and it made me feel sick to think about. I sat on the bed and sighed as I just looked at the ground so I didn't have to look at her eyes.

"I trusted you." I told her and i just couldn't even look at her right now, I heard her crying and I didn't like that she was hurt but this hurt worse than anything, I knew something would happen and I trusted her when she told me I had nothing to worry about.

"I know I'm sorry." I looked over at her and she had wrapped her arms around her stomach and she could barely meet my eye.

"You cheated on me." it was a statement, it wasn't a question. I had been telling myself all weekend that she wouldn't do anything and then I was telling myself all day that I was crazy when there was something off about her.

I looked away from her when she nodded and i felt sick and angry and devastated. I'd rather be shot than hear that news. Physical pain I could take but this, I just hoped to god that I was suspecting the worse and she didn't actually do it.

"I'm sorry." She said again and I shook my head. Sorry? She's sorry that she betrayed me?

"Me too." I got up and I went to grab my bag and pack clothes for the next couple days.

"I'm sorry, whatever you decide I'll accept." I saw her out of the corner of my eye as she sat on the bed and she looked so defeated.

"You'd love for me to walk away wouldn't you so you don't actually have to be with me anymore. As long as I take care of my kid and see him you don't give a fuck about what happens."

"That's not true." Her voice was soft and she stood back up to face me.

"Not true? What else do you want from me Mari? What else can I give you?" I asked angry. I've done all that I can for her, I've given her everything I possibly cold at this point.

"Nothing, I'm sorry." She started to cry again

"I've loved you, supported you, been there for you and tried to help you financially so you can have a better career, so you don't have to resort back to what you were doing. I hate this guy and I put that aside for you, I trusted you." I yelled at her and she shrank away.

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