[Chapter Sixty] Shawn

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Chapter Sixty – Shawn

She was furious after that night with Beth and Robert and barley talked to me for a week. It was a week of sleeping on the couch and begging her to talk to me, telling her I was sorry and after eight long days of that, she let me sleep in bed with her.

Sure, I could have gone to my apartment but I didn't want to just leave, I knew I fucked up by telling Robert and it made me angry that he would try to use it against her so I accepted my fate and just waited it out which is good that I did because now we had a lot to figure out.

Marla came home one night and said she had left the agency and Ed had asked her to go on tour with him and she was leaving in nine days to go with him and Mari was currently freaking out In front of me as Marla went on to explain how it all happened.

"What about our lease?" she asked annoyed and angry and I didn't really blame her.

"Uh, I can pay my part until you find something else." Marla said and I grabbed Mari and pulled her away from Marla because she nearly slapped her.

"You selfish bitch." Mari yelled and Marla looked at her guilty, finally coming off her high horse and realizing she was fucking her friend over.

"Weren't you going to move in together anyway?" Marla asked her "I'll pay rent until you do and I'll pay half of what it costs to break the lease. I'm sorry, I just, I don't want to live like this anymore and I really want to go." Marla said and Mari calmed down.

"Well now we finally got Marla off planet bitch, I'm going to let your girls talk." I left them to talk things out, Marla was really nasty about how she went about telling Mari she was leaving and I didn't blame her for being angry.

Though I'll pay to break the lease, I was the one having her move in and if Marla was willing to pay rent until Mari was ready, I would pay her part to break it. Marla was a confusing woman, I've seen her be one of the kindest people I've ever met and she is a nice person but sometimes, sometimes I feel like it's not even really her with how big of a condescending bitch she could be.

I went into our room and decided to take a shower, I felt very overwhelmed right now with everything that's going on from Mari's silent treatment, working things out, my unit, Robert and Beth and now this, Marla leaving with fucking Ed of all people.

He just tried getting into Mari's damn pants a month ago and he asks Marla to go on tour with him. I let the hot water run over me as I sat there to think. I didn't have a problem with Mari moving in but I needed to get an apartment off base so we needed to find one and soon so we could get everything moved.

I couldn't just wait around anymore, she was getting more pregnant and we needed to have a stable place for a baby and Lex and us. She could wait to move in but we needed to at least find a somewhere.

I don't know anymore, life was so complicated lately and I just wanted it to stop. I wanted to know where I stood with her, I wanted to flashbacks to stop, I wanted to just have this baby here and settle down and have a normal life with her, or at least a less stressful one where we're not at this standstill like we are now.

I just wanted her to move in with me; that was all I wanted at this point. That would make life a whole hell of a lot easier. If I could choose between her moving in and hearing her tell me she loved me, I would pick her moving in so that we could just start that life together.

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