[Chapter Ten] Shawn

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Chapter Ten – Shawn

Today was hot and I wondered how much she charged a night because that could be a lot of fun but she didn't do them, she would pass up that money? When I saw her at the store I smirked as I walked over to her

"Hey whore." She jumped and looked at me, her eyes darting around

"What are you doing here?" she asked flustered

"Shopping." It was a grocery store and while I was out I went shopping since I didn't feel like going to the commissary.

"Okay, nice seeing you." she turned her back on me and I leaned into her, pressing against her

"Why no sleep overs, it a little too slutty for you?" he asked

"Language." Turned back around and said angrily. Why the fuck did she care? did she not remember what she was saying yesterday?

"Oh come on, you weren't saying that last night, you were loving me calling you a little" I went to say slut not caring who was around me, I heard people talking and a little girl calling for her mom but I didn't think anything of it              

 "Stop." She put her hand over my mouth before I could say it and I pulled back

"What? What's changed kitty?" I asked confused as why she was acting like this.

"I like kitties, Mommy can we have a kitty?" a little girl asked and I still didn't think anything of it

"Not right now baby." Mari put her hand on a little girls head who was standing behind her looking at me.

"I'm not a baby. Who's that mommy?" the little girl asked. Mommy? I looked at the dark little girl and Mari and back again, she had a kid? She was only twenty four, this kid had to be at least six.

"This is Shawn, he's a friend." The little girl waved at me and I could see Mari's eyes and the curly hair. She looked a lot like her but her father had to be darker.

"Hi." She said to me and I looked at Mari and she looked panicked. What, did she think I was going to talk about her profession or our sexual relationship in front of her daughter? I may be an ass but I would never do that. I squatted down and held out a hand to her

"Hi, I'm Shawn, what's you name?" I asked and she hugged her ice cream and looked up at Mari who nodded at he

"I'm Lalexia." She gave me a small smile and she stepped in front of Mari, leaning back against her legs

"Hi Lalexia, how old are you?" I asked curiously and she handed Mari the ice cream

"I'm seven." She told me. Seven years old. Jesus.

"Well I like your name, it's very pretty." I told her and different, but a pretty name for a pretty little girl.

She was wearing rain boots and a tutu and she was very colorful.

"Thank you." and she's polite. "I like your necklace." She pointed at my dog tags and I smiled at her

"Thank you, do you want to see them?" I asked her and she nodded so I pulled them over my head and handed them to her and she looked closely at them

"What are those numbers?" She asked

"It's called a social security number, you have one too; they give it to you when you're born. It's a number that can tell someone who you are" I moved closer to her and looked at Mari to make sure it was okay and she didn't protest

"What is all of this?" she wondered

"That's my name right there, last one first, then my first one, and the first letter of my middle one, then the number, then at the bottom is religion, do you know what that is?" I asked her and she nodded

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