[Chapter Fifteen] Mari

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Chapter Fifteen – Mari

I didn’t go the next day because I just couldn’t bring myself to. I didn’t know if he would snap again and I didn’t want to get hurt. I had more than just me to think about and I had to protect my daughter the best I could, something that he understood.

There was something about him that irritated the fuck out of me, he was always so in control of himself and when he screwed up he had no problem admitting it and I don’t know why that annoyed me so much.

He didn’t even take his eyes off me as he flicked the knife open and tossed it over to me, was he that confident that he wouldn’t get hurt? I had no doubt he knew what he was doing and he could protect himself with or without it.

It frustrated me that he cared enough to make me more comfortable, he shouldn’t give a damn and why the hell did he let me see the scars?

His body showed that he had been through hell and I’m sure his mind was fighting that fact.

But there was something about him.

On Saturday night I headed to base just wearing normal clothing and I took a deep breath as I walked up and knocked on the door.

He opened the door about to yell and then shut his mouth confused

“Are you here for your pans?” He asked and I had actually forgotten about them

“No.” he didn’t make a move to let me in as he just stared down at me.

“Then why are you here?” he asked

“To discuss business.” I pushed past him; if he wasn’t going to respect my personal space I sure as hell wouldn’t give him that right either.

I tossed another container on the counter and he looked at me intently and looked maybe a little bit confused. I hopped up on the stool and crossed my legs as I leaned on the table.

“You’re a very frustrating woman.” He leaned in the doorway and I shrugged

“And you’re a pain in the ass. I guess we’re even.” He cracked a small smile

“Is that an offer?” he asked and I rolled my eyes

“Maybe later, Sergeant.” I smirked when his smile fell and he looked at me like food.

“So what’s there to talk about?” he asked me still confused as to why I was here.

“If you hurt me again I’m out.” I told him, I made my decision. I knew that he could have killed me but I was drawn to him and he had a hard past and I could understand his reaction, it set a new limit with us and I could work with that, maybe I was just stupid.

“Aren’t you already?” he asked me and I threw the box at him suddenly, his arm darted out and he caught it wihout breaking eye contact, jackass.

“If I was would I be here?” I asked him as I crossed my arms

“Don’t touch my chest. I don’t like being touched there.” he looked, vulnerable.

“Don’t choke me.” I said and he sighed

“I’m sorry about that.” He looked guilty

“I know.” We sat in a staring match across the room.

“I don’t have cash on me.” he told me and I shrugged

“Pay me next time and I will collect.”

“You got it. Anything else?” he asked and I shrugged again.

“How out of the question would it be for you to take your damn shirt off when we have sex?” I asked and he blew out a breath

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