[Chapter Thirty-Six] Shawn

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Chapter Thirty-Six – Shawn

When Lex woke up I took her down stairs to heat up something Mari made and I gave her the Sippy cup of juice and the child dose of medicine since she was getting warm again. I put on a movie and she bundled up in blankets and laid her head on my lap.

I decided to let Mari sleep because she’s been looking exhausted lately.

“Is mommy sick too?” Lex asked

“No, she’s just tired.” She gripped hard on her cup. I know it was bad she was sick, but she was even more adorable when she was.

“I don’t feel good.” She complained

“Are you going to throw up?” I asked hesitantly and I sighed in relief when she shook her head. I didn’t have much experience with kids, just my buddy’s kids when I hung out with them.

“I like you.” she looked at me curiously

“I like you too.” I smiled at her.

“You make mommy happy.” She told me and I eyed her carefully

“How so?” I probably shouldn’t ask, it wasn’t right hassling information from a seven year old.

“She smiles more and she sings too.”

“I’m sure she smiled a lot before.”

“Yeah but not as much as she does now, she’s happier.” She said in a matter of fact tone and I nodded and let it go there, it wouldn’t be right.

I wondered if what she said was right though, I hoped it was.

I stayed with them until Wednesday when Lex finally went to school though Mari wasn’t sure if she was going to make it through the whole day, but Lex wanted to try.

I took her to get her car and then went to physical therapy. It sucked, they had me stretching which pulled at the muscles the bullet ripped through but it was almost time for me to start working out again. I felt so tiny compared to how I was and I couldn’t stand it.

I went to the doctor next so he could make sure everything was still fine and then I headed off to therapy, fucking fantastic. I hated this place.

“How have things been the last week?” he asked

“I’ve spent a lot of time with Mari and her daughter, that’s about it.” I shrugged

“How is your guys’ relationship?” he asked and I shrugged

“Better, her daughters been sick so I’ve stayed there the last couple days to help where I could.”

“Does she know about why you’re here?” he asked

“Partly, I told her and she told me some personal things too.”

“So you haven’t been spending time with any of the men?” he asked me and I shook my head “Why not?” he asked me

“It’s too difficult, I don’t want to deal with those memories.” I had still refused to work through that, being with Mari was like treatment on an incurable disease, she slowed it all and bought me time but the problem was still there getting worse and just waiting to consume me in the painful memories.

“Don’t you think those men feel that too, they were there and maybe talking soldier to soldier will help you all.” he suggested and I shook my head.

“No.” I didn’t want to bring them up for those guys too.

“Not even going to dinner with them, why don’t you bring your girl and introduce her to some of your friends?” he asked and I felt uneasy about that. I haven’t seen these guys in months and I don’t know how she would react to meeting my friends.

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