[Chapter Forty-One] Mari

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Chapter Forty-One – Mari

I felt like I was carefree as I curled up into his arms after he, for lack of a better term, truly rocked my world, the sex was absolutely incredible and I know we’re not that couple who’s dating and in love and all the bullshit, but even then as he held me, as we laid wrapped up in a bed on the floor and I had my head rested on his chest that he never lets anyone see, I haven’t ever felt more loved or cherished in my life.

That thought fucking terrified me.

He nuzzled my neck and I couldn’t help but smile at him as I felt my heart tug a little bit looking at him, I really cared about this man, honestly and truly cared about him, this wasn’t supposed to happen. We laid there for an hour in a comfortable silence.

“Stop over thinking it.” His hand ran through my hair and I relaxed back into him.

“Can’t help it.” said back

“I can change that.” He said as he pushed me onto my back and kissed my neck, his tongue trailed down my neck and back up again. “Relax baby.” He whispered as I felt him hard and pressing against my again and I don’t know how much more my body can take from him tonight but I wrapped my legs around him and he pushed into me teasingly and frustratingly slow.

It felt so good to be carefree again, to have some fun and be happy. Not that I’m not happy with Lex, this is just different. I’m starting next week at the restaurant and after one last time with Paul I was giving him over to Marla. Him and I talked about it and he was a little disappointed but I assured him Marla was not only suitable for his needs but also a great person.

He was one person I wanted to stay in touch with, I can’t believe how far he’s come in the last few years, no pun intended, but he’s made something of himself and sexually, he’s quite incredible.

I was happy to leave this life behind me but there were some good times and I would be a little sad once he’s gone and I haven’t known anything else and I’m terrified of failing and having to go back to this.

“Stop it.” he thrust hard once and I cried out as he went back to slow.

“Sorry.” I whispered and he kissed me as he gently touched me and gazed down at me and I was in so much trouble. He’s done nothing to hide his feelings towards me and it’s clear in the way he’s looking at me and how he’s touching me and how gentle he is that this isn’t just fun, this isn’t just sex, it’s more than that to him.

And I don’t want to admit it, but it’s more than that to me too.

“Don’t be sorry, just relax and let me take care of both of us.” He said and I let my body fall back as I tried to relax back onto the blankets. He hovered over me, his chest nearly pressing to mine and I moaned as his skin brushed across my sensitive breasts.

He used his good arm to brace himself as he gripped my thigh with his other and I held onto him as he pushed me higher.

“Shawn.” I moaned his name and gasped as he hit the right spot, causing a tingling sensation to shoot through my body and as I gasped for breath I got a little light headed and he leaned down close to my ear and I shivered as his breath fanned my skin.

“Let go kitty, I want to hear you scream and I want to see you’re beautiful eyes. Come on babe, just take a breath and let go for me.” his voice was smooth as silk and his words were like a caress as I took a deep breath as I listened to him and just let myself go.

His eyes peered into mine as my vision blurred and my nails dug into his back out of instinct as I clutched my legs around him and I yelled or screamed, maybe even chanted his name as my back arched of that floor and my channel clutched down around him making him moan.

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