[Chapter Seventy-Three] Mari

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Next chapter i the last one before a two part epilogue and then a bonus chapter.

Chapter Seventy-Three - Mari

Waking up was unpleasant because I just wanted to go back to bed but I opened my eyes and I could see Shawn holding Collin in his arms and I couldn't look away.

"Hey." I whispered; I was absolutely exhausted

"Thank god, I thought I lost you." he put Collin down in the little bed they had in here and I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?" he came and I scooted over for him to lay beside me

"You were bleeding a lot and you monitor dropped. Jill said of we have another baby we have to be careful." He told me and I sighed

"Can we not think about this right now, I just want to be happy." I laid against him and I don't think I ever felt as close to him as I do right now, Lex was sleeping on another bed that was brought in, Collin was sleeping in the little crib thing and despite the complications, I was happy.

This was the moment when everything hit me, where I realized that it was Shawn and I for the rest of our lives, that we were married and a real family, Collin was here and the adoption was in process.

"Give him here." I said and he got up to grab Collin and handed over to me. I held him in my arms and I remembered this feeling from when I had Lalexia, holding her was the first time I fell in love and I fell in love with Collin too. Marla knocked softly on the door and smiled as she came in.

"You look like hell." She told me and I frowned at her

"Rude." I said and she smiled at me

"Now give me that baby" I handed him over reluctantly to her and she looked lovingly at him. If she wasn't Lex's god mother I would ask her to be Collins but we had other plans for that. Jared and Laura came in and they held him too but kept quiet to Lex could keep sleeping and then they were kicked out for a bit as we asked Nick and Steph to come in.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Stephanie hugged me and I hugged her back

"Nice job, one cute looking kid." Nick stood over by Shawn and it wasn't long ago that they were in this situation, just a couple months ago.

"We wanted to talk to you guys." I said and Shawn handed Collin to Nick, Steph went over to him and smiled down at him and Shawn wrapped an arm around me.

"What's up?" Nick asked looking from the baby to us.

"We decided to name him Collin Nicholas Sorci." Shawn said and Nick looked taken aback for a minute

"You named him after me?" Nick asked and he nodded

"And we wanted to ask if you would be Collin's god parents." Steph put her hand to her mouth and she looked like she was going to cry.

"Of course." She said as she looked back at Collin

"Of course and on that note, you've been all pregnant and we haven't gotten the chance to ask you two if you would be Shawn's godparents." Nick smiled at us and there was an overwhelming amount of emotions in this room right now and you could see the bond between the boys more than ever.

"Of course." I answered and Shawn nodded.

Those two men were like brothers and it was fantastic to see.

Shawn went to Steph and Nick came over to give me a hug.

"Thank you for bring him back to us, without you I don't know what would have happened." He told me and we watched those two fuss over Collin.

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