[Chapter Forty-Six] Shawn

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Chapter Forty-Six – Shawn

I chose this park because it's farthest from Mari's house and maybe that's why she chose it too. I heard her yelling my name and I knew her voice I just couldn't believe that she was here, that they both were here.

I haven't seen Lalexia in two month and I couldn't help but smile as she talked none stop, there was no pause as she crammed how the last two months of her life had been in two minutes. She talked about dance and about gymnastics and how they moved out of their old house and in with Auntie Marla somewhere else. She likes Marla and loves living with her because she gets to see Eva and Todd

The part that caught me way off guard and made me angry was what came as I watched Mari walked over to us a little franticly.

"Oh and guess what! Mommy said there's a baby in her tummy, I get to be a big sister, isn't that cool Shawn?" she said happily, she was so excited but I felt sick. I looked over to Mari and she jumped. She went a little pale and I stared at her as she ran her hands down her face and avoided looking at me at any cost. Pregnant, Mari was fucking pregnant are you kidding me!

"A big sister, that is pretty cool, when is mommy having the baby?" I asked her putting a smile on my face, I didn't want to alarm her but I wanted to know, I needed to know who's this baby was. I wanted to know just how fucking pregnant she was and if that answer is any more than eight weeks I'm going to be furious.

"Come on Lex, I think it's time to go." She reached out to grab Lex and I pulled her away. There was no fucking way she was leaving right now.

"When is mommy having the baby princess?" I asked her and she remained oblivious to the tension between Mari and I.

"Mommy said June I think." she said and I mentally did the math, she was about three months pregnant now, three god damn months

"Did you just pull my daughter away from me?" Mari asked angry, damn right I did. I was fucking furious right now.

"Yes." I didn't give a damn right now. She was fucking three months pregnant and she didn't think she needed to tell me! She wasn't going to?

"What right do you have? Give me my daughter." She said lowly and I set Lex down

"Why don't you go play while I talk with your mom." I smiled at her and she shrugged and ran off to go do just that.

"You bitch." I said to her and she jumped back and looked at me in surprise, I have absolutely no concern for her feelings at this current moment.

"Excuse me." she glared at me

"Two hours." I told her and her look went to instantly confused.

"What?" she asked me

"You have two hours to meet me at main gate." No way was I going to let her leave now.

"No." she said annoyed

"It's not an option anymore, damn it. You will be there or I will come and find you." I sounded pretty damn creepy right now but I didn't care even in the slightest, we were going to talk to this and no way in hell was she leaving now, not going to happen.

"Fine." She stormed away and brought Lex with her and to add to my creepiness, I followed her. I wanted to know where she lived if she decided to not turn up tonight and then I went home.

I had bought a punching bag and hitting it was the first thing I did when I got home and then I went at the bag until I physically just couldn't anymore and then I did pushups until I was too god damn worked up to do anything anymore.

Fucking pregnant, damn it.

I jumped in the shower and headed over to main gate and I waited, I didn't care if I was an hour early, I just couldn't stay in my apartment anymore I needed to do something because I felt like I was going to explode.

If she expected the man she left she was going to be in for a rude awakening, I don't know If I've ever been so mad at someone before as I am at her. It hurt when she left and I'm not going to sit there and fucking pretend it didn't. It fucking sucked!

But god damn it Leaving is one thing, if she didn't want to be with me that's her choice, she has a right not to want to be with me I just wished she wasn't such a coward about it but she had no god damn right to take my child away from me. I refused to allow it.

If she wanted a fight I was up for one, I was up for the god damn fight of my life with her and if she wasn't a woman I would fucking hit her for this bullshit, but I guess she wouldn't be pregnant if she was a man and I'm straight so I wouldn't be in this situation with a man but still.

God damn it. I hit the steering wheel and was at a whole new level of angry but with myself this time because she was my soft spot, two months and I still want her just as bad as I did when I asked her to move in with me. Two months and lying to me and I still would forgive her, I would still be with her.

Fuck, I thought I figured out my fucking emotions and now, now she's back in my life even a light bit and I have no idea what I feel. She always throws me off and I just, I miss her. After everything, I miss her so much and I just want to hold her.

It infuriated me how I was willing to just forgive her, maybe, I had to hear what she had to say about it and it better be good or I couldn't, or maybe I could. Damn it I was screwed.

One look in her eyes and I was a goner, she was, she was just everything I still wanted but my pride kept me from being able to just cave, I couldn't, if I did I just showed how weak I was and I didn't do weak, I spent months being weak and I won't go back to that.

short chapter, i know! 

Some of you guessed it, but some of you thought she lost it. nope, Mari is pregnant.
And let the problems begin :p

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