[Chapter Fifty-Seven] Mari

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Chapter Fifty-Seven – Mari

This week had all around been fantastic, I stayed a night away with Shawn where we spent the whole night and next morning with absolutely no clothes on and ordered in. I have no doubt that if I wasn’t already pregnant I would be by now. I felt like I could never get enough of him, my body was so sensitive and I was turned on all the damn time, it didn’t help he came home in uniform every day either.

After that night I let him buy a way overly priced dress and now it was time to head to California for me to be home just in time for Lalexia’s birthday, I can’t believe she was going to be eight already.

I was really excited for the new experience of this though I was probably going to look like a whale. Okay, in reality it wasn’t that bad, I was definitely showing but it wasn’t like I was full term or anything, this baby was just going to be really big compared to Little Lalexia but Shawn’s very tall and I guess he’s going to take after his dad which he’s thrilled about.  Me, not so much; I just see more pain in my future.

I had met Ed at the airport after a long goodbye from Shawn and Lex a short one for Marla, to say she was not pleased would be an understatement. Okay, just because she’s my friend and has a crush doesn’t mean that she’s entitled to everything when it comes to him.

She had a lot of other friends and I had one besides her, she needed to cut the shit and get over herself, I’ve known him since I go to the agency, he was my second client and I think she’s still pissed that Tina gave him to me and not her.

Sometimes it’s like no matter what I do she’s always pissed at me and I’m getting really tired of it very quickly, living with her is quickly going to be a nightmare if we can’t figure this out.

I was nervous as we got off the plane and made our way to the hotel, it was obviously a very public event and I just hoped I wouldn’t freak out In front of a crowd like that, I had the whole rest of the day to figure it out. I snapped out of my little daze when Ed started arguing with the hotel clerk.

“I called and I was told it would be no problem to get two beds.” He said irritated

“I’m sorry, the hotel is booked and there is nothing that we can do, your girlfriend and you will have to share.” Apparently this guy didn’t care about famous people in his hotel.

“She’s not my girlfriend, which is why we have a problem.” The manager sighed and looked tired and Ed just gave up, he grabbed the keys and put a hand on my back to guide me through the hotel and up to the hotel room.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s going on is your boyfriend is going to fucking kill me.” he said as he opened the door and I looked at his confused, I really should pay more attention to the things around me and then I saw one bed and now I understood. To say Shawn will be displeased will be an understatement.

“Well, I’ll tell him when I get home and you’re out of distance.” It’s not like anything would happen and I knew he was going to be angry and I understood, but there was really on other option at this point.

“You’re not going to tell him now?” he asked

“Nope, I’m going to enjoy myself and not have to deal with a two hour phone call.” I flopped down on the bed and it was comfortable, Shawn could just be too much sometimes, he said he trusted me but I don’t know if he did, it didn’t seem like it and this would probably just give him an excuse not to but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with a jealous fit from him right now.

“Well what do you want to do for the rest of the night?” he asked

“Eat and sleep.” I sighed and he smiled.

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